lesson ideas

Building Dobsonian Telescopes (Algebra II) Lessons

Geometer's Sketchpad Lessons
Geometer's Sketch pad Lesson Part A - Lauren Siegel
Geometer's Sketch Pad Lesson Part B - Lauren Siegel
Geometer's Sketch Pad Lesson - Robert Duncan

Reflection Lessons
Angle of reflection and focal point
Angle of Reflection and Focal Point - Allyson Berglund
Angle of Reflection and Focal Point - Joe Michnick
Angle of Reflection and focal Point Lesson -

Telescope Building Lessons
Building a Dobsonian Telescope Parts A & B _ Lauren Thibideaux (3 hour lesson)
Building a Dobsonian Telescope Parts A and B - Curt Wyman (3 hour lesson)
Building a Dobsonian Telescope Part A (Finding Focal Length of the Primary Mirror) - Laura Galaviz
Building a Dobsonian Telescope Part B (Placing the spider) - Elise Briseno

Using Dobsonian Telescopes (Algebra I) Lessons

Finding the Field of View - Leah Coutorie
Calibrating and using a telescope to measure the size of planets - Katie Artzt, Sarah Sutter, & Tom Abraham
Calculating the Diameter of the Sun using Ratios - Katherine Brown
Solar Eclipse Lesson - Julie Anderson, Shelly Rogers & Sadia Waheed
Calculating the Speed of Rotation of the Earth
Calculating the Speed of Rotation of the Sun
Measuring Sun Spots
Back up activity for measuring sunspots
Knowing the angular extent of the sun, one can estimate the fraction
subtended by the space station & then figure its size knowing how high it
is, or vice versa. Or, alternately, if you look up the size & height of
the station, you can estimate the angular extent of the sun & then check
it if it clears up.
Determining Lunar Crater Size
Determining the relationship between magnification and field of view

Other Related lessons

Finding the size of the Sun and Moon
This is a handout I found which uses a pinhole apparatus to find the diameter of the sun. This is NOT a lesson plan.

Build a Refracting telescope
In this lesson, students will learn how telescopes work, will build a model of their own, and will consider how real telescopes can be used to ask—and help answer—questions about the universe. This activity is based on instructions and information from the Exploratorium website.


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