Name: Katherine
Title of lesson: Sun Lesson
Date of lesson: March 23, 2005 and March 30, 2005
Length of lesson: 90 minutes
Description of the class: Math Class
of course: Algebra I
level: High School
or regular: Unknown
Source of the lesson:
of professor and websites:
TEKS addressed:
(1) The
student understands that a function represents a dependence of one quantity on
another and can be described in a variety of ways. Following are performance
(B) The student gathers and records
data, or uses data sets, to determine functional (systematic) relationships
between quantities.
(D) The
student represents relationships among quantities using concrete models,
tables, graphs, diagrams, verbal descriptions, equations, and inequalities.
(3) The
student understands how algebra can be used to express generalizations and
recognizes and uses the power of symbols to represent situations. Following are
performance descriptions.
(A) The
student uses symbols to represent unknowns and
Given situations, the student looks for patterns and represents generalizations
I. Overview
The purpose of this lesson
is to give students an understanding the concept of and the application of
ratios and proportions. This is
important in understanding how to correctly use telescopes.
II. Performance or learner outcomes
will be able to calculate the diameter of the sun.
will be able to explain how they calculated the diameter of the sun using ratios.
III. Resources, materials and supplies needed
whiteboards, four for each telescope and one for teacher
for whiteboards
towels to wipe off whiteboards
of sun and earth
to cover telescopes
to poke holes
IV. Supplementary materials, handouts.
Five-E Organization
Does Probing
Student Does
Engage: Learning Experience(s) Discussion of
characteristics of the sun. The sun is an astronomical
unit away from earth, which is 149,598,870,000 meters or 149, 598, 870
kilometers. The sunÕs temperature is
5500 degrees Celsius and 9932 degrees Fahrenheit. The sun spots are 4000 degrees Celsius. The moon is 384,400 km
from the earth. The moonÕs temperature is
107 degrees Celsius during the day and -153 degrees Celsius at night. So today when we are
outside, nobody is to look in the telescope while they are pointed to the
sun. This will fry your eyes and
you will no longer be able to see.
I will appoint four students to each be responsible for monitoring the
telescopes and preventing any injuries. Now lets go outside. |
Critical questions that
will establish prior knowledge and create a need to know Does anyone know what an
astronomical unit is? Does anyone know exactly
how far away the sun is? How hot do you think the
sun is? In contrast to the sun,
what do you think about the moon?
How far away is the moon from earth? What about the
temperatures of the moon? Where
does the moon get its light?
Does the moon spin on its axis like the earth does on a daily basis? So from your last lesson,
who can explain the field of view and the ratios you used? Okay, now we will be using
that knowledge to try and determine the diameter of the sun. Has anyone ever told you not to look
directly at the sun?? Has anyone ever used a
magnifying glass to burn and kill ants before? Why did that happen? Knowing this, what do you
think would happen if you looked at the sun through a magnifying glass? What is a telescope? |
Expected Student Responses/Misconceptions Many possibilities, but
ŌThe distance from the earth to the sun.Ķ Many guesses. Many answers. Many guesses. The moon gets its light
from the sun, just like earth.
Hotter during the day, but cold at night. The moon doesnÕt rotate on its axis. In our last lesson, we
noticed we could see 40 cm through the telescope set 24 meters away. So we set up a ratio of 40 cm to 2400
cm, which turned out to be 1/60.
Then if we had a ball that took up about half of that field of view at
the 24 meter mark, then we knew that the ball was 20 cm in diameter, since
½ of 40 is 20, or we could set up the equation: 1/60 = (2x)/2400 and solve
for x. Yes, this is to protect
our eyes. Yes. That happened because the magnifying
glass intensifies the sunÕs rays and made it so hot that the ants burned up. Your eyes would burn up. A really big magnifying
glass. |
Explore: Learning Experience(s) Have the students assigned
to monitor the telescopes be placed in the correct position. Place the paper over the
telescope. Poke holes in the
paper. Have the students aim the
telescopes so that the light from the sun is no longer visible on the paper. Instruct the students to
then back away from the eyepiece and use the whiteboard to see if they can
see an image. Instruct them to
use the markers to draw the image projected onto the whiteboard. Now, have the students
hold the whiteboard steady and have the other students gently rock the
telescopes in order to see where the sun escapes the field of view. Have the students mark the arcs
created and form a circle. |
Critical questions that
will allow you to decide whether students understand or are able to carry out
the assigned task (formative) Why would we want to cover
the telescopes with paper? What do you see? What do we need to do next
in order to determine the size of the sun? Any ideas how we might do
that without looking into the telescope? What if we move the telescope around like this? Where is the sun going? Why is there just a portion visible
on the whiteboard now? |
Expected Student Responses/Misconceptions Because the light would be
too bright from the sun to create a clear vision of the sun. The sunÕs image. We need to determine how
much of the field of view the sun takes up. Oh, the sun is going out
of the field of view, so where it is no longer visible, we know that that is
the field of view. |
Explain: Learning Experience(s) Okay, so the sun is
149,598,870,000 meters away from the earth. That is 14,959,887,000,000 cm. The actual diameter of the
sun is 1.392,000 km. So now letÕs go back and
measure the model of the sun and see how accurate the model is. Repeat activity, but now
with students looking at the yellow ball through the telescope and
determining the diameter of the model. |
Critical questions that
will allow you to help students clarify their understanding and introduce
information related to concepts to be learned Now what portion of
the field of view did the sun take up? What can we do now to find
the diameter of the sun? How will we set up the
equation? Is this a good
approximation?? How could we
have gotten a closer answer? So what are the
differences in the measurements?
Why do they come out this way? |
Expected Student Responses/Misconceptions It took up about half of
the field of view. If you give us the
distance to the sun, then we can find the diameter using our ratio of 1/60. This is good. We are approximating the amount of
space the sun takes up in the field of view. If we had a better way to measure this, we could be more
accurate. |
Extend / Elaborate: Learning Experience(s) So now we have the
diameter of the sun. Discuss solar eclipses and
how the moon and the sun appear to be the same size from earth. There are lunar eclipses
rather often, the next one will be April 24th. But the solar eclipses are much more
rare. The last one was August
11, 1999. If you multiply that by 4,
then you will have the number of thumbs in a full circle. Determine the time: Okay, we will use the
telescopes again, make sure that you are not looking in the eyepiece. Find your field of view
and have the sun line up right next to the edge. Then after the sun disappears from the field of view, then
we know that it has moved its diameterÕs distance. Make sure not to touch the telescope, however the
whiteboard may be moved. Try to look at the moon
tonight at different times. Look at it on the horizon and
up in the sky. Use your thumb
and determine how many thumbs wide it is. |
Critical questions that
will allow you to decide whether students can extend conceptual connections
in new situations How long do you think it
will take the sun to move its diameter in the sky? Think about the moon, it
appears to be the same size as the sun in the sky. How many of your thumbs would it take to cover up the
moon? Now how many thumbs do you
have in a 90 degree angle? How long should it take
your thumb (sun) to go around in a full circle? So how long will it take
for your sun to move its diameter in the sky? How long did it take? So if our time is so
different where did the error occur? |
Expected Student Responses/Misconceptions The students approximate
1-5 thumbs. 24 hours. Maybe about 7 to 10
minutes. Only 2 to 3 minutes. The error happened when we
said the sun was 5 thumbs wide.
I guess it is only 1 thumb wide. |
Evaluate: Lesson Objective(s) Learned (WRAP UP at
end) -> Summarize |
Critical questions that
will allow you to decide whether students understood main lesson objectives So what did you learn
today? How did we use ratio and
proportion? |
Expected Student Responses/Misconceptions Lots of cool stuff. We used it with the sunÕs
diameter, with the modelÕs diameter, with the thumb and the timing of the
sunÕs movement. |