astronomy faq's

Why is focal length half the radius of curvature?
It's easier to see graphically if you consider points equidistant from plane waves. For a sphere, the center of the sphere is trivially the only point that reflects off of all surfaces and back to the center in the same distance. For a plane wave hitting a sphere (object at infinite distance), there is no exact focal point from a spherical surface (that's spherical aberration) but if you draw a sphere, you can convince yourself that at least for small angles, the half radius distance is the point that shares roughly the same reflected distance for a plane wave off a spherical surface. I think you can see this mathematically if you do an expansion of the equation for a circle, and leave out the higher order terms (in which case you end up with a parabola). Answer from Dan Lester.

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How do you line up a telescope with the sun without damaging your eyes?
The key here is NOT TO LOOK THROUGH THE EYEPIECE! The mirrors concentrate the light from the sun and can burn your eyes so do not look directly into the telescope. Cover the front opening (aperture) of the telescope with a sheet of paper and poke holes in the paper with a pen. This filters out some of the light so the image will not be too bright. Point the telescope in the direction of the sun. If you are pointing close to the sun but not right on it you will see a bright dot on the paper covering the aperture. This is the image of the sun from the primary mirror. All you have to do is move the telescope until the spot disappears in the center. This means it is hitting the secondary mirror, and you should see light projected from the eyepiece. Hold a paper opposite the eyepiece to view the projected image. You may have to move the paper closer and farther from the eyepiece to "focus."

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Why do you have to slide the eyepiece away from the telescope when you look at the sun?
For those of you projecting the images, namely the sun, you have to make sure to slide the eyepiece farther away from the telescope than you would if you were looking at something very distant with your eye. The reason for this is that when you're in focus for your eye, the rays all come out parallel. That's great for your eye, because your lens can easily focus those rays (it's like looking at something far away). However, if you project these parallel rays onto a piece of paper, then you don't have another lens, and the rays all get mushed together, giving you one big blu. If you pull the eyepiece a little farther out, you can make a big image of the sun come to focus on a piece of paper far away. The more you pull out the eyepiece, the closer you hold the paper to get the sun in focus and the smaller the image of the sun is. If you pull it out an amount equal to the focal length of the eyepiece, (in our case, about 3 cm), then the magnification is 1:1, which means the sun appears the same size as if you didn't have an eyepiece at all, which is pretty tiny (about 1 cm). If you pull it out even further, then it'll get even smaller. So we have about a 3 cm range to play with, which is actually a decent range to slide the eyepiece around.

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How do I focus a projected image?
Slide the brass tube with the eyepiece in it all the way in (just make sure it does not go through the hole and crash into the primary mirror!). Then pull it out around 2 cm. Put the paper onto which you are projecting the image behind the eyepiece and move it back and forth until you focus the sun. If you can't get it to focus, pull out the eyepiece a little more until you can. Then it's just a Goldilocks problem. If the sun is too small, push they eyepiece in a bit, move the pad to refocus the projected image, repeat until you have the size you want. If the projected image is too big, pull the eyepice out a bit, move the pad to refocus, repeat as necessary.

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How do I time the sun?
The easiest way I found to do this, which works rather nicely, is to put the sun somewhere in the field of view, away from any edge. Then just let it set for a minute or so until you see one edge starting to fade a little. Start timing. Watch it until the sun completely disappears from the field of view. Stop timing. You've just measured how long it takes the sun to move an angle equal to its own apparent (angular) diameter. I got values between 2:00 minutes and 2:20, mostly closer to 2:20. The time obviously depends on when you decide the sun is first reaching the edge of the field and when you decide it's totally gone. That's totally fine and is an important lesson in and of itself. The idea of uncertainty and measurement error, random and systematic (both are at work in this measurement) is one of the central ideas we try to get across in Research Methods class. With these data, you have ~ 2:20 minutes/(length of day) = (angle subtended by the sun)/(angle of entire circle), a nice set of proportions with which to work and manipulate however you want. NOTE: I did this with the eyepiece, which works better than without because 1) you can keep the paper farther away from the telescope, making it easier to see and 2) you can project a bigger image of the sun, making it easier and more accurate to time when it crosses the edge of the field of view.

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How do I measure the angle of the sun relative to the field of view?
Once you've found a nice size for the in-focus sun, just trace out the disk on the sheet of paper. Then move to another part of the same sheet of paper but MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE PAPER THE SAME DISTANCE FROM THE EYEPIECE. Move the telescope around so the the sun appears to be on the edge of the field of view, maybe half off it. You can trace out a small arc of the large circle which is the field of view. Move the telescope a little so the sun is still ~half off the field but adjacent to the last position. Trace out another small arc. By doing this around the whole field of view, you can trace out the entire field of view in these pieces. Measure the diameter of the sun, measure the diameter of the field of view, and the ratio is the fraction of the field of view taken up by the sun. If you know the angle of the field of view, you can then calculate the angle of the sun. with the angle of the sun, knowing either the size or distance, you can get the other.

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How do I figure out the diameter of the field of view?
Have a student hold up a meter stick at a known distance from the telescope (30 meters works well). Have the other student look through the telescope and determine how much of the meter stick fills the field of view. At 30 meters, about 45 cm fills the field of view. At 50-60 meters, the meter stick just fills the field of view. You have a simple size/distance ratio: angle=size/distance.

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