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Grant Development and Submission Reassigned Time: Information and Application


The Grant Development and Submission Reassigned Time (Grant DSRT) initiative allows approved applicants a one-time course reassignment during a long semester to provide them the time necessary to support the development and submission of a substantial grant. The following guidelines should be reviewed prior to submitting the application below.

  • These are competitive applications and awarding of the reassigned time is based on a number of factors, including the nature of the grant opportunity, readiness of the PI to submit a competitive grant application, and departmental and college resources in a given semester.
  • Applications will be reviewed by the PI’s department chair, the College of Education Research Office, and the Dean. 
  • Applications should be submitted prior to the semester being targeted for reassigned time. For example, if the Spring 2026 semester is targeted for reassigned time, you should submit your application by October 1 of the Fall 2025 semester (deadlines are provided below). This is in order for your department chair to plan for course coverage. 
  • Deadlines: please submit applications for spring semester reassigned time by October 1, and applications for fall semester reassigned time by May 1. (Applicants will be notified of the decision by October 15 and May 15, respectively.)
  • Grant opportunities applicable for reassigned time are usually large ($400,000 or more) with federal (or comparably complex foundation) funding agencies.
  • When faculty are working in teams, only one team member, the Principal Investigator, may apply for reassigned time through this application.  
  • The deliverable that is expected is a successful proposal submission to a funder, as evidenced by confirmation that the grant proposal has been submitted.
  • Those awarded course reassigned time must work with the College of Education Research Office for proposal development support during that semester. 

Application for Grant Development and Submission Reassigned Time (Grant DSRT)

The application deadline for spring semester reassigned time is October 1, and for fall semester reassigned time is May 1. 

I understand that:

The reassigned time may be for one course over a long semester, ideally the semester prior to the grant deadline. *
When faculty are working in teams, only one team member (the Principal Investigator) may apply for reassigned time. *
The deliverable that is expected is a successful proposal submission to a funder, as evidenced by confirmation that the grant has been submitted. *
Those awarded a course reassigned time must work with the College of Education Research Office for proposal development support during the semester of the reassigned time. *