Funding Opportunities
Grant Development and Submission Reassigned Time Initiative
The Grant Development and Submission Reassigned Time (Grant DSRT) initiative allows approved applicants a one-time course reassignment during a long semester to provide them the time necessary to support the development and submission of a substantial grant.
Information and Application for the Grant Development and Submission Reassigned Time Initiative
COERO assists researchers in finding funding opportunities both internally and externally. Use the information on this page to explore potential funders.
- Please contact COERO before contacting a foundation or submitting an application for any grant, fellowship, or foundation opportunity so that we can help you navigate the required university communications, processes, and approvals.
If a funder limits applications to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, you can apply through the Texas State University Research Foundation. Please contact COERO to initiate this type of proposal.
External Funding

Texas State partners with Hanover Research to provide grant calendars to assist in planning for upcoming funding opportunities.
- Education Research & Programs Calendar [link to pdf]
- Health Research Grants Calendar [link to pdf]
- Sign up here for Hanover emails regarding upcoming funding, webinars, and services.
Texas State subscribes to several funding databases where you can search for funding opportunities. Some of these include:
- ORSP’s Find Funding site includes links to federal, state, and private funding.
Three common resources:
- Pivot is the most comprehensive funding resource available. It contains more than 26,000 records representing nearly 400,000 funding opportunities totaling more than $33 billion.COERO has curated lists of PIVOT funding specifically for COE. View a snapshot of potential funding.
- Foundation Directory Online Professional provides detailed information about nonprofit, corporate, and private funders across the United States.
Grant Resource Center– request log-in from Pre-Award RC
If you are having difficulties accessing these databases, or if you are trying to locate potential funders for a specific project, please contact COERO for assistance.
Grant Development and Submission Reassigned Time Initiative
The Grant Development and Submission Reassigned Time (Grant DSRT) initiative allows approved applicants a one-time course reassignment during a long semester to provide them the time necessary to support the development and submission of a substantial grant.
Internal Funding
You can find a complete list of internal funding opportunities on the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website. Below are select opportunities that are excellent vehicles for conducting pilot studies to test your research design and collect preliminary data that will lead to applications for larger studies.
- REP: Texas State's Research Enhancement Program (REP) is an internally funded grant competition that occurs annually.
- MIRG: Texas State's Multidisciplinary Internal Research Grant (MIRG) is an internally funded grant competition that supports multidisciplinary research projects that are federal-ready or near federal-ready.