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Research Conference Poster Printing Support: Information and Application

Research Conference Poster Printing Support

If you are a COE faculty member presenting a poster at an external research conference, we are able to pay for the printing of your poster at the Alkek Print Shop. The following guidelines should be reviewed prior to submitting the application below.

  • This is for COE faculty members only; we can’t pay for students’ posters (but of course students can be on the poster, as long as the faculty member is on as well!)
  • This applies only to external conferences, not TXST conferences/exhibitions. 
  • Please complete the form below a minimum of 2 weeks prior to when you need the poster. The earlier the better, as we can’t control how busy the Alkek Print Shop will be at any given time. 
  • Please provide the poster in PDF form.
  • Please check the PDF carefully – we can only pay for the first print, not any corrections after that. 
  • After the poster is printed, you will need to pick it up at the Alkek Print Shop (1st floor of Alkek Library).

Application for Research Conference Poster Printing Support

Please complete and submit the form a minimum of 2 weeks prior to when you need the poster.

I understand that:

I need to submit this form a minimum of 2 weeks before I need the poster. *
After the poster is printed, I will need to pick it up from the Alkek Print Shop (1st floor, Alkek). *
The poster is for a COE faculty member presenting at an external conference. *
This initiative can only pay for the first print, not for any corrections after that. *