Quick Links
Algebra, General
Mathematics, Geometry, Classroom
Resources, Music and Mathematics, Professional
Organizations, Simulations, Statistics
Security Agency Algebra Units
Well developed units along a variety of topics. Each unit was developed
by teachers at a summer institute and is linked to national standards.
The Bugscope project is an educational outreach program for K-12 classrooms.
The project provides a resource to classrooms so that they may remotely
operate a scanning electron microscope to image "bugs" at
high magnification. The microscope is remotely controlled in real time
from a classroom computer over the Internet using a web browser.
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General Mathematics
Explore Learning
- Math Gizmos
This site features wonderful "gizmos" to run simulations about
mathematical topics. It provides wonderful tools to explore mathematical
topics, thus providing an avenue for students to develop questions and
check their understanding. Each "gizmo" also contains a helpful
lesson plan.
on-line Archives - Math
Math-related NOVA on-line sites.
Experiences through Image Processing
Free software and a link to some activities for using image processing
in mathematics
with a Point
Problem solving is the heart of mathematical learning. This site complements
existing curricula by providing a resource for teachers who use, or
are only beginning to use, a problem-centered approach.
for Math Students in PBI
Martha Smith's page with links and ideas.
the Knot (Posted by PBI student)
Collection of math activities. Some cool java apps for interacting.
Webmaster writes a regular article in one of the journals. Fourth time
that I found it linked from math resources page in lesson searches.
Math and Science Gateway
This Gateway provides links to resources in mathematics for educators
and students in grades 9-12, although teachers of other levels may find
these materials helpful.
Practical Applications
of Math and Science
PUMAS (poo' · mas) -- is a collection of one-page examples of how math
and science topics taught in K-12 classes can be used in interesting
settings, including everyday life. The examples are written primarily
by scientists and engineers, and are available to teachers, students,
and other interested parties via the PUMAS Web Site. Our goal is to
capture, for the benefit of pre-college education, the flavor of the
vast experience that working scientists have with interesting and practical
uses of math and science...
York Times Daily Lesson Plans
This site is a good source for project ideas
in Search of a Problem
The Internet offers a rich collection of data sources. In the hands
of a creative teacher (or student) these numbers can be crafted into
meaningful, real life mathematics problems.
World Mathematics
Special About This Number?
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and Mathematics
An internet adventure into cancer, pattern recognition, image analysis
and geometry.
Security Agency Geometry Units
Well developed units along a variety of topics. Each unit was developed
by teachers at a summer institute and is linked to national standards.
Pathfinder Science
This site provides research projects where students from around the
world use common protocols to collect data which is then pooled and
sent back to the students.
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Classroom Resources
Music and Mathematics