links - computer science



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, Computer Science Curricula, General Computer Science, Computer Applications, Professional Organizations


  • Teaching programming using C-bot
    Learning Programming ( C, C++ ) with a robot called Ceebot! If the above link does not work, try this one
  • Teaching computer science using Mindstorms
    Teaching Computer Science With Robotics Using Ada/Mindstorms 2.0
  • RoboLogo
    an MIT website for teaching Children how to program Interactive Robots
  • Microarrays
    If you want the latest information on one of the most important developments in biology and medicine since the polymerase chain reaction, check out this week's site: Microarrays. Microarrays is a diverse collection of links compiled by Y. F. Leung of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Novices keen to learn the basics of gene chips might want to start with the background section, since it offers several lucid, illustrated primers. If you're really up-to-date, you can find links to a range of products for making and scanning microarrays, plenty of lab protocols, and rosters of labs and people using microarray technology. This site appears to have something for everyone.

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