links - geology



Quick Links 
Government Resources, Link Piles, Professional Organizations, Simulations, Virtual Tours

Government Resources

Link Piles

  • Mark Francek's Earth Science links
    The links are organized around the sequence of topics typically taught in an introductory earth science or physical geography class. Links are also available for environmental science, earth science/geography education,  career opportunities, and more. The sites selected are based on image quality, ease with which lesson plans can be developed, organization, authenticity, scope, and format.

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Professional Organizations


Virtual Tours

  • Geology of Caves
    Use this resource from The Riverdeep Current to support your discussion of unique habitats and evolution of living things to secure a niche. Students can also visit underground marvels and learn how they were formed. Link to student activities with acids and bases, or create a geologic time-line, diorama, and glossary for one of the caves your class will discover here.

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