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Step 3: Review Timeline

Clinical Teaching

Step 3: Review Timeline

  • Placement Timeline

    • Fall: Estimated Timeline

      Your experience may differ, but here is a brief outline of the Student Teaching placement process.

      February Apply for Clinical Teaching: February 1 - 15.
      March Applications are reviewed for eligibility.

      Placement requests are distributed to school districts.

      Class Registration opens.

      May - July

      Districts communicate with the Office of Educator Preparation.

      Background checks are distributed to most Student Teachers, depending on the district.


      Student Teaching Faculty host mandatory meetings with their Student Teachers.

      Districts host mandatory Student Teaching Orientations.

      Student Teaching Faculty distribute finalized placements to Student Teachers.

    • Spring: Estimated Timeline

      Your experience may differ, but here is a brief outline of the Student Teaching placement process.

      September Apply for Clinical Teaching: September 1 - 15.
      September/October Applications are reviewed for eligibility.

      Placement requests are distributed to school districts.

      Class Registration opens.

      Districts communicate with the Office of Educator Preparation.

      Background checks are distributed to most Student Teachers, depending on the district.

      Districts host mandatory Student Teaching orientations.

      Late Dec - Early Jan The university and schools are closed for the holiday.

      Student Teaching Faculty host mandatory meetings with their Student Teachers.

      Districts host mandatory Student Teaching orientations.

      Student Teaching Faculty distribute finalized placements to Student Teachers.