Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Week 1 |
Intro Video; Powers
of 10: Understanding Relationships between
powers; Where does our world exist as far as human perception? (10^-3
to 10^3 meters) Self-Assessment of Ways
of Learning |
Proportions: objects at a distance,humans with animal qualities; Computation: find radius, circumference
of Earth, what is the Earth's speed for one rotation, orbit); change
in units Feedback survey of students |
it Make Sense: Reasonableness of answers and random
sampling |
Week 2 |
Pros/Cons each
group chooses between 6 situations and prepares both sides, interview two adults (one parent + other
adult), research
in class/home |
Assessment: Preconceived notions about size and estimation Estimation: (reflect on proportions) working
with preconceived notions and finding answers within an accurate
range; measuring what we don't know with what we understand (how
tall is a building, how many bricks in a building, how far is the
horizon, how many people does it take to stretch across the world);
Assessment: One min papers relating to previous days work |
Debate: Pro vs. Con Group
Work Evaluations |
Week 3 |
Intro to shapes and their equivalent
support; Look at models/pics of bridges Begin
Process Analysis and con't through project |
Begin building bridges - hand out supplies,
students will be in groups of 2 or 3 picked by the instructor |
Continue building bridges - take
home and finish remainder |
Test bridges to see which is the heaviest,
which can hold the most, which is the most efficient Group
Work Evaluations |
Week 4 |
& Sequences: Present structures (Fibonnaci, Golden Ratio,
etc) |
Build shapes out of straws and pipe cleaners
using patterns (take home to finish) |
Concept Maps Linking the
topics and looking ahead to where these ideas could help in everyday
life |
Assessment: Grid project
(equations: formula, when/why/how used, derived from) |
Game Quiz: student-designed
q's; Remembering the Topics; estimation, proportion, patterns, equations,
problem solving Feedback survey of students |