by M. M. Sorey
April 20, 2005 Dear Parent, This letter is to inform you of the time commitment involved in the chemistry research project in which your child has enrolled. Effort will be made to give your child adequate guidance and in class work time to complete the project as efficiently as possible but because of the collaborative nature of this laboratory investigation, out of class time for your child to meet with her (his) laboratory partners to coordinate their investigation will be needed. This project will entail that your student devise novel, investigative strategies to complete a research project and will be of a different nature than a traditional course. As such, this project will require a different approach to study and will require more self-directed activity on the part of the student. Please check on your child’s progress from time to time and feel free to contact me if you have any questions (school phone: xxx-xxx, E-mail: Students will be required to purchase a bound notebook for the project but most of the materials will be provided in class. Should your child decide to continue a more individualized research project in a subsequent course, costs may be incurred depending on the choice of the project by the student. After completion of this project, your child will participate in a poster session in which all students will present the results of their research. The research that your child is participating in has application in future careers and has been chosen in order to enhance his (her) future study in college science courses. In addition, the project will count for fifty percent of their final examination grade. The final examination grade counts for twenty five percent of their course grade. Two grading rubrics are attached for your information. Please sign below so that I know that you have seen this letter and support your child’s time commitment to this class. Thank you for your time and interest. Sincerely, Maryann Sorey --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (please detach and return by your child) I have read and understand the requirements of my child's involvement in Chemistry Research.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Assignment
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