Quantification of Solute Concentration via Spectrophotometer

by  M. M. Sorey

Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Project Calendar









Review: Calculation of MW, Avogadro’s number, Moles,Molarity, Making stock solutions.

Homework Set #1: problems on the above .






Lab: Serial Dilutions 1. Concept                 2. Making 4 (min.) Stock Solutions.         3. Available Equipment: sizes of volumetric flasks, volumetric pipets.                        4. TD vs. TC calibrations of pipets.

HW Set #2: problems on serial dilutions.

HW Set #1 due

Lab: Serial Dilutions:               5. Proper pipeting technique.                6. Planning making stock solutions and serial dilutions.

Plan due at end of period


HW Set #2 due


Lab:Serial Dilutions:             1. Revision making stock solutions and dilutions.             2. Making stock solutions.

Lab:Serial Dilutions:       1.Making serial dilutions.                2. Storing solutions

(These serial dilutions will be used to determine λ max)


Peer/Teacher Work Assessment




Benchmark:EM Radiation    1. Spectrum                              2. Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectra                       3. Bohr Model                          4. E = hν                                  5. E = hc/λ


HW Set #3: Numerical problems utilizing eq’ns 4 and 5.


Absorption of Radiation:

1. Rydberg Eq’n


3. Visible Spectrum -relationship betw absorbed and reflected radiation, color wheel.

4.UV Spectrum, Sunscreens

HW Set #3 due.

HW Set #4: Numerical problems utilizing Rydberg eq’n..


Design and Operation of Spectrophotometer

1. Schematic of single-beam instrument

2. tungsten lamp

3. lenses

4. grating

5. control slits

6. reference and sample cells

7. zeroing (stick of chalk)

8. 100% T (blank)

9. Scanning

10. λ max

HW Set #4 due.

Lab:Measuring λ max

1. Planning to measure λ max.

a) Desirable concentration of dye solution to use.

b) Procedure

2. Measuring λ max.

3. Plotting


Proposed procedure for choosing conc of solution to use, determining λ max and plotting due.

Lab:Measuring λ max

1. Measuring λ max.

2. Plotting





Peer/Teacher Work Assessment



Finish plots for homework



Bench-Mark Lesson

1. The Calibration Curve, linear relationship betw abs and conc.

b. y = mx + b

(above better done as inquiry)

2. The Beer-Lambert Law

a. A = -logT

b. є = A/bc

c. A = εbc

Plots of Absorbance vs. Wavelength due

Lab:Determining Molar Absorptivities

Planning to measure molar absorptivities.

HW Set # 5: Start problem set on Beer’s Law.

Plan to determine molar absorptivity due.

Lab:Determining Molar Absorptivities

Determine molar absorptivity.

Free time spent on in-class problem set from previous day.

HW Set #5 due.

Lab: Unknowns

Make hypothesis about the identities of the dyes in the solutions.

Plan how to test the unknown:

(The unknown will be too concentrated and will require dilution before the absorbance is not 1 at all visible wavelengths)

Formulate a plan for determining components unknown dyes in solution(s).

Lab: Unknowns


Formulate plan to determine identity of dyes in unknown solutions.

Begin making dilutions.

Peer/Teacher Work Assessment

Plan due.



Lab: Unknowns

Finish making dilutions and determine identity of dyes in unknown solutions.

Calculate the mass of dyes in original unknown solutions.

Report Writing (Individual Effort)

Hand-out and discuss the directions and rubric for the report write-up.

Begin writing Introduction and Purpose of report, some students will need to finish lab work.

Calculations of mass of dyes in original unknown solutions.

Report Writing (Individual Effort)

Work on writing Introduction and Purpose of report.

Work on Calculation sections of report.

Pass Introduction and Purpose to partner for comments.

Report Writing (Individual Effort)

Rewrite Introduction and Purpose.

Work on calculation sections of report

Work on Discussion Section of report.

Hand in Calculation section.


Report Writing (Individual Effort)

Work on Discussion Section of report.

Peer/Teacher Work Assessment

Hand in Introduction and Purpose sections.



Report Writing (Individual Effort)

Work on Discussion Section of report.

Pass Discussion Section to partner for comments.

Write Results Section of report.



Report Writing (Individual Effort)

Rewrite Discussion Section

Write Results Section.

Discussion Section due.

Report Writing (Individual Effort)

Write Results Section.

Pass Results Section to partner for comments.

Write Conclusion section.

Report Writing (Individual Effort)

Write Conclusion Section of Report.

Pass Conclusion Section of report to partner for comments.

Results Section due.

Report Writing (Individual Effort)

Rewrite Conclusion section.

Peer/Teacher Work Assessment

Conclusion Section due.