
Evaluation Plan

The students will be evaluated in several ways over the course of the project. During the beginning of the project, participation will be a large factor in their evaluation. Students will be asked to become involved in the music that the class is studying. The music will be analyzed for permutations, symmetry, and translations. The best way to evaluate the students’ understanding of the presence of these mathematical ideas in music is to have the students identify them. The students also be evaluated on the written music assignments they will be given. They will be graded on how well their composition follows the given guidelines as well as on their creativity in the writing of the music. A major part of the students’ evaluation on this project will come from their analysis and presentation of a musical work by Steve Reich. The method that the student developed to notate the sheet music will be graded on its functionality. The analysis will be graded for the student’s ability to identify the various mathematical principles present within the music. The students will also be graded on the progress they have made between the first presentation and the final presentation.

Students will be assessed throughout the course through question and answer sessions. Class discussions will be held to address any concerns the students may have. During lab days the teacher will walk around to students and address their progress. The students will be given quizzes over topics they have learned at the beginning of the project. The intermediate assessment will allow students to critique each other. This assessment will allow the teacher to make sure the student is on the right track and redirect them if necessary. The main assessment will come from their final presentation at the conclusion of the project. They will present their findings at this time and the teacher will be able to assess the students understanding as well as their ability to stay within the parameters of the project.


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