Lake 227 in 1975ResourcesLake 227 in 1994

Lindsay Husta, Audrey Smith, Christine Warzecha

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Web Resources


  • Lessons
    • Aquatic Respiration Lab
    • Respiration in a Microcosm Lesson
      • Water Quality Testing Equipment and Materials (per student group)
      • Hach or Lamotte water quality testing materials or meters for each group's workstation (for analyzing DO and pH). Each group will make up to 5 pH and DO analyses with a meter or two analyses with chemical reagent kits.
      • 250 ml bottle with a cap
      • 4 - two-inch minnows (fathead minnows are readily available and tolerant of low oxygen levels)
      • 75 -100 ml of sandy sediment
      • 75 -100 ml of organic/mucky sediment
      • Thermometers (if water temperature is the selected measure for the student inquiry lesson)
      • Conductivity pens (if conductivity is the selected measure for the student inquiry lesson)
      • Worksheet for each group (worksheet follows lesson plan).
    • Using Excel: Data Analysis
      • Transparency for engagement
      • Computer with internet access
      • Projector to enlarge computer screen in front of class
      • Access to a computer lab
    • Water cycle
      • Computer lab access
      •  Library access
      • Projector to enlarge computer screen in front of class
      • 5-gallon aquarium filled with water
      • Measuring cups (24 oz.)
      • Food coloring
      •  Ice cube tray
      • Dropper
      • Container (at lease 6 ounces in size) filled with sand