Lake 227 in 1975AssessmentLake 227 in 1994

by Lindsay Husta, Audrey Smith, Christine Warzecha

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Project Assignment

Total Points

Points Awarded


  • Internet research and experimental design
  • Data Analysis
  • Nitrogen Cycle




Safety and Lab Techniques



Class Participation

  • Field Trip
  • Class Activities
  • Lab Activities
  • Group Work




Unit Water Project

  • Proposal
  • Preliminary Methods
  • Raw Data and Sources
  • Data Analysis
  • Final Paper
  • Group Presentation





Short quizzes to test comprehension of content area and experimental design.
-Internet research and experimental design
-Data Analysis
-Nitrogen Cycle

Safety and Lab Techniques

Unsafe lab practices will not be tolerated.  Students must pass a safety quiz with questions especially pertinent to the labs we will be doing before starting on their experiments.  Students will get full points for Safety and Lab Techniques section unless they break a rule in the Safety Contract.  Each infringement will result in a reduction of 5 points.  After 4 infringements (or less at the teacher’s discretion), a student may no longer participate in labs and must go to the library to complete the project using internet data or other sources.

Class Participation

Active participation is required of all students.  Each unit of 3 points will be assigned at a given evaluation as follows:
     0: unexcused absence
     1: disruptive behavior/inattentive
     2: mostly on task and at least 1 contribution
     3: mostly on task behavior and multiple contributions
The teacher will randomly choose 3 lessons, 3 lab days, and the field trip to assess the participation grades.  The Group Work portion will be assigned by anonymous evaluation by the student’s group members twice over the course of the project.

Unit Project

Deadlines must be met and arrangements for late work must be discussed with teacher ahead of the deadline.  A bonus point towards the final paper grade will be given for each assignment turned in on time.  All assignments can be revised.

  • Proposal
    • Internet Proposal: full credit will be given to timely proposals with well-thought out questions, an attempt to identify methods to answer the question, and a guess at the expected result. 
    • Experimental Design: full credit for timely designs with 1 unknown variable and the ability to be performed in class and a guess at the outcome of the experiment.
  • Preliminary Methods
    • Full credit awarded to methods which explain what variable will be tested, what instruments will be used/tests will be performed, a timeline including what the student expects to do each day next week, and a possible data table.
  • Raw Data and Sources
    • Full credit for data presented in table form in Excel (with source for internet data).  Also, a list of 3 annotated sources for use in the final paper.
  • Data Analysis
    • Full credit awarded for data represented graphically (with titles and units) on both 1 and 2 variable graphs.  Logical conclusions about the graphs must also be included.
  • Final Paper
    • Full credit for well written papers including the following: question that was asked and reason for asking it (from proposal), what was done to answer the question (from preliminary methods), results (data analysis), conclusions (data analysis), and a half page reflection on the experience.
  • Group Presentation
    • Full credit to groups who: explain their question, reason for asking it, and hypothesis.  Present their conclusions graphically, explain the significance of their findings, and new questions they now have.