Lake 227 in 1975Parent LetterLake 227 in 1994

by Lindsay Husta, Audrey Smith, Christine Warzecha

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Dear Parent(s):

             Our class will be embarking on an exciting six week project covering topics in ecology including mineral cycling and population dynamics as studied in the context of lake eutrophication. Lake eutrophication is the natural aging process of a body of water. If you can picture a clear lake turning into a swamp, that is eutrophication. The journey will lead us to explore the quality of local water sources including a field trip to Town Lake with a Lower Colorado River Authority water expert, __________, who will instruct us in testing water for nitrate, phosphate, pH, calcium, and dissolved oxygen.  We will learn how changes in nutrient levels dictate the types of organisms that live in a lake as it ages and how human impact can accelerate the aging process of a lake.

            In addition to the field trip, the students will design and conduct experiments in our classroom.  I also ask that they collect water from a source near their house for analysis at school.  We will engage in internet research and other enriching activities during class time.

            Seven full class periods and several other half periods will be “lab days” in which the students have time to complete their projects in class.  With conscientious work, I believe the most of the work may completed in this time; however, some time at home will be needed for writing and/or revising.  The materials needed for this learning experience will be provided by the school.

The students’ grade will be assessed through a variety of measures including SAFE participation in classroom activities, three quizzes, a written report (which will be submitted piecemeal with the opportunity for revision), and a final presentation to classmates, LCRA experts and you (more on the time and date of this exciting event to come).  The grading scheme I will use and happily update you with information on is on the back of this sheet.

Ecology, although a subject of interest to students and mandated by state curriculum, is often covered superficially.  This project will allow students to delve more deeply into the topic than usual, discover answers to questions they ask through experimentation, and practice drawing logical conclusions from evidence and communicating their discoveries to others.

Please feel free to visit the project website at for more detailed information or contact me if you want a printed version or have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this coming six weeks.  My email is or leave a message on my school voicemail at (512) 555-1234.  Please sign and detach the bottom portion indicating that you have looked over this letter and grading scheme.  Thank you.




 Lindsay Husta, Audrey Smith, Christine Warzecha


_______________ ________________ _________________ ________________

Your Name                  Your Signature              Student’s Name         Student Signature