by Valerie Gibson
Dear Parent/ Guardian, This month in your child’s chemistry class, we will be focusing on the digestive system and the chemicals that make the digestive system work. The main purpose for this project is to have your child understand the digestive system and its parts along with the nutrition value of different foods and how they affect your body. The first week of the project will consist of lectures that tell your child about the digestive system and the basic elements that it is composed of. After the first week, your child will be given a quiz over the material that he/she has learn in the past week and this will help me (the teacher) know how your child and the other children in the class are understanding the material. The second and third weeks of the project will mainly focus on experiments. There will be many different experiments, it is important that your child is attending class those two weeks, because otherwise it will be hard for the student to catch up. The third and final part of the project is for your child and his/her group to come up with a project of their own related to the digestive system. This project will consist of a presentation, a research paper and an experiment that they will perform for the whole class. Your child will receive a rubric for what is expected for each of the parts of the project. The project that your child and his/her teammates will make up will use most of the materials in my classroom. Please sign the page below, so that I know that you have seen the letter. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at MsGibson@austin.isd or by school phone at 555-5555. Thank-you, Ms. Gibson Please detach By signing this page, I state that I have seen and read the previous letter about the Chemistry project in my child’s Chemistry class. _____________________ ________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Children’s name |