Cryptography: Linking Learning and Life

by Joshua Newton, Ryan Pai, Mary Pennington, Jamie Sloat

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Scavanger Hunt
Teacher Name: Ms. Sloat        
Student Name:     ________________________________________    
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 0
Overall Presentation Speaker consistently used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience. All group members equally shared responsibility in the presentation. Speaker usually used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience. Responsibility of group members was fairly equal. Speaker sometimes used gestures, eye contact, tone of voice and a level of enthusiasm in a way that kept the attention of the audience. One or more group members slightly overpowered the presentations. Speaker did not keep attention of the audience. The responsibility of presentation was unequally distributed among group members Group did not present.
Organization Scavanger hunt was throughly thought out with a clear sequence of events leading from one checkpoint to the next. Scavanger hunt was thought out with a clear sequence of events leading from one checkpoint to the next. A few details were overlooked in the sequencing of events leading from one checkpoint to the next. There were major difficulties in the sequencing of events leading from checkpoint to the next. No thought to organization was given or group did not turn in project.
Understanding of Encoding Scavanger hunt requires the use of a shift cipher, two-step code, and multi-step code. Group shows a thorough understanding of the use of these encoding techniques, including what they are and how to use them. Scavanger hunt requires the use of a shift cipher, two-step code, and multi-step code. Group shows a good understanding of the use of these encoding techniques, including what they are and how to use them. Scavanger hunt is lacking in the use of one of the following encoding techniques: shift cipher, two-step code, or multi-step code. Group has some misunderstanding on either the use or difference between these different coding techniques. Scavanger hunt uses only one kind of encoding technique. Group shows little understanding of all the different coding techniques, including what they are and how to use them. Scavanger hunt doesn't require the use of encoding skills.
Understanding of Decoding Same requirements for encoding except decoding is now used. Additionally, group shows a firm understanding of how to model a multi-step code with a two-step code for decoding purposes. Same requirements for encoding except decoding is now used. Additionally, group shows a good understanding of how to model a multi-step code with a two-step code for decoding purposes. Same requirements for encoding except decoding is now used. Additionally, group has some understanding of how to model a multi-step code with a two-step code for decoding purposes. Same requirements for encoding except decoding is now used. Additionally, group has little understanding of how to model a multi-step code with a two-step code for decoding purposes. Same requirements for encoding except decoding is now used. Additionally, group has no understanding of how to model a multi-step code with a two-step code for decoding purposes.
Plausability Time restrictions, safety, available materials, and location were all carefully considered when creating the scavanger hunt so as to make sure that it is possible to do the scavanger hunt as a class activity. Time restrictions, safety, available materials, and location were considered when creating the scavanger hunt so as to make sure that it is possible to do the scavanger hunt as a class activity. Time restrictions, safety, available materials, and location were somewhat considered when creating the scavanger hunt so as to make sure that it is possible to do the scavanger hunt as a class activity. The scavanger hunt needs modifying with consideration to either time restrictions, safety, available materials, or location so as to make it plausible for a class activity. Time restrictions, safety, available materials, and location were neglected when creating the scavanger hunt making it unplausible as a class activity.
Difficulty Scavanger hunt was created with careful consideration to the implementation of various levels of difficulty of encoding and decoding. Scavanger hunt was created consideration to the implementation of various levels of difficulty of encoding and decoding. Scavanger hunt was created with some consideration to the implementation of various levels of difficulty of encoding and decoding. Scavanger hunt was created without consideration to the implementation of various levels of difficulty of encoding and decoding. No project
Date Created: November 23, 2005