Car Chemistry

by Crystal Bell, Ardelia Ford, and Saba Waheed

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Project calendar

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 1

Gas Laws

Students will perform an engagement with balloons to explore pressure, volume relationship. Students will work on a simulation that will help them understand gas laws:   Boyle's Law, Charles' Law, and the Ideal Gas Law. Students will continue working with the simulation and answering the questions embedded in the simulation activities. Assessment; students will draw concept maps of their understanding of the gas laws.   We will also discuss/address the concepts involved with gas laws such as tire pressure, an automobile engine, our lungs, and scuba divers. Quiz over the gas laws.

Week 2


The topic of rust will be introduced with a game called Common and Unique that will serve as a checking of the students prior knowledge and as an engagement.   The topic will be introduced and we'll have a small lecture on it. Students will explore the effects of rusting in different environments.   (Like rainy, snowy, humid, salty, or chemical environments.)   The students will be encouraged to collaborate with other schools to complete this activity.

Work on project.

Gather and analyze data.

Work on project.

Gather and analyze data and prepare for presentations.

Presentations for project.

Week 3

Cooling System / Water Chemistry

Quiz on rusting.

Pre-assessment / Discussion on the use of water in the cars

Benchmark Lesson 1 :

Water: Structure, and its Polarity (Hydrogen bonding).

Show simulations on Hydrogen bonding:

Hydrogen Bonding in liquid water:

Hydrogen bonding in ice water:

Warm up :

Hydrogen bonding.

Brainstorm in groups :

How does hydrogen bonding explain the unique properties of water?

Lab day :

Investigation to come up with the properties of water.

e.g. surface tension, density, boiling point, freezing point, universal solvent.

Review/ Discussion

Complete the lab reports.

Week 4

Cooling System / Water Chemistry

Benchmark lesson 2:

Properties of water.

Discussion in groups/class :

Where we use water in cars? Why we use water?

Why canÍt we use soap, juice, salt water, etc instead of water?

Benchmark lesson 3:

Water as a coolant and ethylene glycol as antifreeze.

Project day/Research on Internet or library.


Question answer session.

Exam: Water and its use in cars

Week 5

Car Batteries / Electrochemistry

Pre-assessment - Essay Question: How does a car battery work?use Internet, books, experts, imagination; site sources Lecture or experiment - Movement of electrons and charge Demonstration - How to do 1/2 reactionsmaterials, set up, measuring voltage, using potential tables, safety Lab Exploration - design and conduct 1/2 reactions write equations and explain techniques for the reactions conducted Continue Lab

Week 6

Car Batteries / Electrochemistry

Lab Exploration - Build a working wet battery

write a lab report and exain: how actual batteries work, what materials were used, the voltage output and 1/2 rxns involved, schematic of battery set up

Continue Lab

Lecture/ Demo   - How do car batteries last so long


voltaic vs. electrolytic cells

flow of electricity in a jumpstart


Continue Lecture

Assessment -How does a car battery work?

use info learned, lab experiences, etc