Year-Long Institutes
The CTWP has partnered with districts to provide a Year-Long Institute to teachers onsite or at the Texas State University campus. As with the 4-week Invitational Summer Institute, participants engage in extended examination of research-informed practice. They conduct a 90-minute demonstration lesson for their peers, read a professional book that addresses their specific interests, produce a summary of an investigation of research articles and books, and write.
The institute is conducted in a workshop manner. That is, participants write, share in response groups, revise/edit, and publish their writing in an anthology. Teachers meet in various arrangements: day-long meetings once a month; weekly or biweekly after school meetings, or a combination of both. Often the teachers meet in the summer, a few days before the school year begins and/or a few days after the school year ends.
In some cases, the teachers are enrolled in a graduate course at Texas State University and receive graduate credit for their participation. In all cases, the teachers receive CEU hours and become Teacher Consultants for the CTWP upon completion of the institute.