Strategic Plan
Curriculum & Instruction Mission Statement
The Department of Curriculum and Instruction develops education professionals who are knowledgeable and skilled leaders in their fields, who are ethical and caring in their actions, and who appreciate the rich diversity that defines our school and social contexts. Through university, school, community, and professional partnerships, we advance scholarship and pedagogy that influence education practice and policy.
All department faculty were provided a template and instructions for generating and submitting a strategic plan two weeks before a departmental meeting to pre-plan what they wanted in their plan. At the faculty meeting, faculty broke into small groups to enter ideas into a document.
Planning Priorities
1. . Create innovative technological instructional spaces in which instructors can engage in cooperative learning, professional development, and which supports hybrid/online options. 1.5; 4.1
2. Increase graduate enrollment by creatively envisioning and expanding programs. For example – Achieving status as a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst®(BCBA)-accredited program; - Offering an accelerated pathway to teacher certification (online, alternative certification program); - Increase online programs; - Explore bridge programs from undergraduate to graduate programs; - Utilize university-approved marketing vendor to recruit international and transfer students.. 2.1
3. Expand existing graduate programs to align with student needs. (E.g. Expand Advanced Academics as need demands and explore possibilities of adding additional cohorts to existing and proposed doctoral programs in the College of Education.) 2.2; 3.1
4. Explore innovative programming at the Round Rock Campus - Fund Professor of Practice positions that will coordinate with community colleges and school districts in communities around RRC. - House innovative programs at RRC including expanded online programs to serve working adults which will require advanced technology resources. - Offer additional certification programs (e.g. SPED). 2.3; 3.4
5. Offer innovative clinical experiences. Meet the increased demand for Teacher Residency programs by expanding into other districts. Enhance field-based experiences prior to clinical teaching by streamlining processes associated with this initiative. 2.1; 2.4; 3.4
Action Plans Related to University Goals and Initiatives
University Goal 1: Supporting Student Success
1.1 Enhance efforts supporting academic preparedness and excellence
1.2 Enhance student engagement and wellbeing
1.3 Enhance support for graduate students
1.4 Enhance career and post-graduation success
1.5 Create organization and infrastructure to support student success
Area (Dept., Unit, College, or Division) | Planned Actions | Timeframe (of development and implementation) | New Resources Requested (personnel, facilities, and operational funding) | Expected Cost | Source of Resources (new, reallocation of existing funds, fee, philanthropic, etc.) | Assessment Criteria (outcome when achieved or key performance indicator) | University Initiative |
Dept. of C&I | Create an instructional space with technology classroom upgrades in which instructors can engage in cooperative learning, meeting and learning space, and support hybrid/online options. | By fall 2024 | Facilities funding Faculty PD | Investigate $ per room (Ideally, 2 rooms) | New | 1.5 | |
Dept. of C&I | Redesign facilities to promote a more inclusive environment. | Facilities funding | At least one restroom will be gender inclusive. | 1.2 | |||
Dept. of C&I | Increase the amount of financial support of graduate and doctoral student travel. | Operational funding | $8000 | 1.3 | |||
Dept. of C&I | Purchase licenses for Articulate 360, the industry standard course authoring platform, to support career readiness and competitiveness for students in the M.Ed. in Educational Technology program. | Fall 2024 | Instructional Software | 700 per license | Provost, department, and/or external | Students in instructional design-focused courses have ready access to Articulate 360 | 1.4 |
Dept. of C&I | Replace one of two vacated tenure-track lines in Educational Technology to (a) meet enrollment demands for the M.Ed. in Educational Technology, (b) shorten program course rotation to an annual cycle. | Fall 2024 | Tenure track faculty | CUPA. | Provost. | Increased graduate enrollment. On-time graduate for pre-service teachers. | 2.1 |
Bilingual Undergraduate Advisor-Hire a designated bilingual undergraduate advisor who can communicate bilingually in Spanish and English, work with international students, and is dedicated to bilingual degree planning | |||||||
DE | Intentional support for international students, especially in summers. | 2024-2025 | Summer scholarship so international students can take courses in the summer. | At least $1,000 per student | International doctoral student summer enrollment and increased time to completion | 1.0 | |
assigning a support faculty member tasked with caring for students as they go through grad/post-bacc teacher certification programs (perhaps teaching an introductory course coursework as instructor and acting internship supervisor to “bookend their experience). | |||||||
DE | Dissertation completion fellowships. | 2024-2025 | Fellowships | Doctoral student completion | 1.0 | ||
DE | Writing retreats for students. College-level dissertation writing (or proposal writing) course. | 2024-2025 | Faculty stipend, lodging and food for participants. Tuition reimbursement for students who reach some tangible outcome. | Doctoral student completion | 1.0 |
University Goal 2: Advancing Academic Excellence
2.1 Grow enrollment at all levels with emphasis on international, transfer, online, and graduate students
2.2 Offer new and innovative academic programs that meet the economic and cultural needs of the state
2.3 Grow the Round Rock Campus
2.4 Invest in faculty excellence by increasing the capacity and development of all faculty
Area (Dept., Unit, College, or Division) | Planned Actions | Timeframe (of development and implementation) | New Resources Requested (personnel, facilities, and operational funding) | Expected Cost | Source of Resources (new, reallocation of existing funds, fee, philanthropic, etc.) | Assessment Criteria (outcome when achieved or key performance indicator) | University Initiative |
C&I secondary education in collaboration with other departments | Explore the development of new degree programs: 1. a content-specific practitioner-oriented PhD pathway to align with our MEd dual credit concentration. This degree would serve secondary teachers who want to teach dual credit courses and aspiring community college professors who want to teach effectively. We could either develop a new degree or modify an existing one to include a new content-specific track. This pathway would focus specifically on research-based practices for improving teacher education in the disciplines. Possibly modify the school improvement Ph.D. program to include a significant pedagogical content focus. 2. Partnering with CLAS SI program on an Ethical Pedagogies in teacher education concentration 3. Create comparative/International master’s and doctoral degrees | New tenure- track faculty lines, scholarships/ assistantships for graduate students | 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 | ||||
Dept. of C&I | Increase graduate student recruitment. - Becoming a BCBA-accredited program; - Offer an online, alternative certification program - Increase online programs - Explore bridge programs from undergraduate to graduate programs - Increase marketing for international and transfer students - Doctoral programs - Aggressive marketing on online international students (e.g. vendor D.Willett talked about) - Provide annual graduate recruitment funds for marketing, recruitment supplies, etc. for each graduate program in C&I - Create new certificates (e.g., gifted and talented education; creativity & transformational change) | 2.1 | |||||
Dept. of C&I | Explore innovative programming at the Round Rock Campus - Fund a Professor of Practice position that will coordinate with community colleges and school districts in communities around RRC. - House innovative programs at RRC including expanded online programs which will require advanced technology resources. - Offer additional certification programs (e.g. SPED) | 2.3 | |||||
Dept. of C&I | Explore opportunities to develop new doctoral programs - New doctoral program for SPED - Attach programs like SPED, Talent Dev, EC-6, and BILG or to an existing doctoral program in the college (e.g. Add SPED cohorts to SI) | 2.2 | |||||
Dept. of C&I | Add a Minor in Leadership in Educational Equity for majors outside of teacher education. | 2.2 | |||||
Offer innovative clinical experiences | 2.1 | ||||||
DE | Change program degree name and broaden our focus to align with developments in the field and market needs. Postsecondary Learning and Student Success is our top idea for a name change. | 2024-2025 | Faculty stipend or course release for reworking curriculum to meet the expanded focus of degree. | Program name and degree aligned with field and more marketable for recruiting and placing students. | 2.0 | ||
DE | Increased funding for doctoral and master’s assistantships. | 2024-2025 | Fund as many students on assistantship as possible. | Supports student recruitment, intellectual development, success, and time to degree completion. | 2.1 | ||
DE | Doctoral assistantship funding through 4th year. | 2024-2025 | Doctoral assistantships. | Supports student recruitment, intellectual development, success, and time to degree completion. | 2.1 |
University Goal 3: Expanding Discovery, Innovation, Creativity, and Research
3.1 Position Texas State University to achieve Carnegie R1 status
3.2 Target and secure multi-year and multimillion-dollar awards to increase and diversify the university’s research portfolio
3.3 Enhance the university’s intellectual property (IP) portfolio and commercialization efforts
3.4 Grow relationships with private sector, industry, government, and educational partners
Area (Dept., Unit, College, or Division) | Planned Actions | Timeframe (of development and implementation) | New Resources Requested (personnel, facilities, and operational funding) | Expected Cost | Source of Resources (new, reallocation of existing funds, fee, philanthropic, etc.) | Assessment Criteria (outcome when achieved or key performance indicator) | University Initiative |
Expand existing programs: - Advanced Academics - Residency (SPED, BILG, Secondary, 4-8) | 3.4 | ||||||
DE | Replace faculty lines when faculty retire or leave. | Indefinitely. | Faculty lines replaced. | Maintain program functionality and enhance research. | 3.1 | ||
DE | When faculty are absorbed into administration, fund faculty, lecturer, and/or per/course faculty to fill the need created. | Indefinitely | Faculty as needed. | Maintain program functionality and enhance research. | 3.1 | ||
Assign one graduate assistant per C&I graduate program to assist with graduate recruitment, marketing, etc. | annually |
University Goal 4: Enriching Inclusion and Collaboration
4.1 Increase engagement across internal and external constituency groups in activities and events designed to promote a welcoming community and a sense of belonging
4.2 Enhance all aspects of accessibility
4.3 Increase activities and programs that enhance stakeholders’ perceptions of Texas State as the most welcoming university in Texas
Area (Dept., Unit, College, or Division) | Planned Actions | Timeframe (of development and implementation) | New Resources Requested (personnel, facilities, and operational funding) | Expected Cost | Source of Resources (new, reallocation of existing funds, fee, philanthropic, etc.) | Assessment Criteria (outcome when achieved or key performance indicator) | University Initiative |
Research and develop partnerships via articulation agreements with other colleges | 4.3 | ||||||
Create a Social Transformation Center | 4.1 |
University Goal 5: Developing Infrastructure and Resources
5.1 Position Texas State University as an employer of choice
5.2 Provide infrastructure befitting a Carnegie R1 university
5.3 Simplify administrative processes to increase efficiency
5.4 Pursue innovative approaches to revenue generation and budgeting
Area (Dept., Unit, College, or Division) | Planned Actions | Timeframe (of development and implementation) | New Resources Requested (personnel, facilities, and operational funding) | Expected Cost | Source of Resources (new, reallocation of existing funds, fee, philanthropic, etc.) | Assessment Criteria (outcome when achieved or key performance indicator) | University Initiative |
Target hiring post doctoral fellowships | 5.2 | ||||||
DE | Create classrooms of the future. Technology classroom upgrades to support more hybrid and online options, for example, with simultaneous teaching in face-to-face and online modalities. Explore models of course delivery to serve. TSP dedicated IT support person. | 2024-2026 | 50% TSP, and cost of 2 classroom upgrades. | More flexible learning opportunities for student and improved recruitment of a diversity of students, including those working fulltime and those living outside of I-35 corridor. | 5.2 | ||
DE | Upgrade classrooms with furniture that will be more durable than the last set of furniture. | 20204-2025 | Furniture, namely tables and chairs. | Support basic classroom teaching and learning needs. Support student safety. | 5.2 |