
The Department of Curriculum & Instruction at Texas State University offers doctoral, master's, and baccalaureate degrees that focus on the preparation and development of teachers, teacher leaders, and other education professionals.
All baccalaureate programs in the department lead to initial teaching certification. The field-based emphasis of these programs has garnered recognition and has led to outstanding collaborative relationships with local school districts.
Our master's programs provide three choices: advanced studies master's degrees, master's degrees that lead to initial post-baccalaureate teaching certification, and professional certification programs.
The doctoral program includes Ph.D. and Ed.D. options, each with three concentrations: Developmental Literacy, Developmental Mathematics, and Learning Support.
Doctoral Programs

Developmental Education
The doctoral program in developmental education provides its student-scholars the tools with which they can critically examine the current state of developmental education, define its essential role in postsecondary education, engage in research-based reconceptualizations of the field, and create new theory and innovative practices. The program’s vision transcends narrow, static views of teaching and learning as well as deficit-oriented views of students that have traditionally dominated the field. The program values social, cultural, and critical perspectives on learning and learners. Through providing its doctoral students with rigorous research, scholarly, and professional experiences in an apprenticeship model, the program aims to effect change in multiple areas of developmental education.
Graduate Programs

Post-Baccalaureate Initial Teaching Certification serves individuals who have earned bachelor's degrees in fields other than education. Students may earn EC-6, 4-8, 8-12, or all-level certification by taking graduate level courses that count toward a graduate degree.
Master's Degree Programs offer advanced studies for certified teachers and other education professionals. Current options include Elementary Education, Early Childhood, Bilingual/Biliteracy Education, Elementary or Secondary Education Talent Development, Reading, Secondary Education, and Special Education.
A Professional Certificate is also available for the Reading Specialist.
Graduate minors are offered in Creativity Studies in Education, Developmental Education, Elementary Education, Bilingual/Bicultural, Gifted and Talented Education, Methods and Materials, Reading Education, Secondary Education, and Special Education
Undergraduate Programs

Bachelor of Science in Education with one of the following initial teaching certifications:
- EC-6 ESL Generalist
- EC-6 Bilingual
- All-level Special Education
- 4-8 Generalist, Social Studies/Language Arts, Math, Science, or Math/Science
Secondary Teacher Certification in the following majors:
Secondary Grades 6-12 (Secondary 6-12)
- Agriculture Science and Technology
- Business Education
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Physical Science
- Technology Education
Secondary Grades 7-12 ( Secondary 7-12)
- Chemistry
- English/Language Arts/Reading
- History
- Journalism (must have 2nd Teaching Field)
- Life Science
- Mathematics
- Physics/Mathematics (beginning in Fall 2016)
- Science Composite
- Social Studies Composite (Economics, Geography, Government, and History)
- Speech
Secondary Grades 8-12 ( Secondary 8-12)
- Computer Science
- Dance
- Hospitality, Nutrition, and Food Science
- Human Development and Family Studies
All Level (Early Childhood-12)
- Art
- Health
- French
- German
- Music
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- Special Education
- Theatre