Majors and Programs

Click on any of the links below, and you'll be taken to a dedicated page with information and planning resources specific to that program.
Curriculum & Instruction
Elementary Education [Early Childhood through 6th Grade]
Core Subjects w/ English as a Second Language
^ also offered at the Round Rock campus
Core Subjects w/ Bilingual/Biliteracy-Spanish
Core Subjects w/ All-Level Special Education
Middle School Education [4th through 8th Grade]
Math/Science Composite
English/Language Arts/Reading & Social Studies Composite
Core Subjects
Special Education
Counseling, Leadership, & Adult Studies
Integrated Studies
Integrated Studies
Health & Human Performance
Exercise and Sports Science
All-Level Physical Education Teacher Certification
Clinical Exercise Science Concentration
Pre-Rehabilitation Sciences Concentration
^ also includes Athletic Training 3:2 program
Health and Fitness Management with Business Administration Minor
Recreation and Sport Management
Community Recreation
Recreational Therapy
Outdoor Recreation
Exercise and Sports Science
Public Health
Adaptive Recreation and Sport
Outdoor Recreation Leadership
Recreation and Event Planning (formerly Recreation Studies)
Picture yourself teaching high school?
For 8th through 12th grade teacher certification (with the exceptions of Physical Education and Special Education above), students will major and be advised outside of the College of Education in the subject area they wish to teach (i.e. English, Math, Music, etc.). For a list of Advising Centers by college across campus, click here.
Your advisor will determine based on catalog designation and subject area whether the Education minor or Education double major is the appropriate and required option.

Are you currently teaching as an Instructional Aide or Paraprofessional?
We offer an online, accelerated degree plan for individuals currently teaching as an instructional aide or paraprofessional in Texas. Certification options include Special Education, Elementary Education, and Elementary Bilingual Education; learn more about those options here.
Students in this pathway are advised by the Online Student Success office. Prospective students can call 833.690.1245 for more information.
For information regarding Graduate degrees in the College of Education, click here.
For information pertaining to teacher certification and admittance to the Educator Preparation Program, please visit the Office of Educator Preparation website.