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Minor in Human Resource Development and Training

Employment Outlook

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects training and development specialist positions to have faster than average job growth (6%) and average annual salaries of over $63K. Experience gained can lead to training and development manager positions which are also expected to grow faster than average with average annual salaries of $120K.

Declaring This Minor

Schedule an appointment with the Academic Advisor for your primary degree program. 
If your major falls outside of the College of Education, you can discuss and declare your desired minor with an advisor in that other college.  To find your Academic Advisor, click here.

Why declare the Human Resource and Development minor? 
This minor is meant to be paired with a host of diverse majors across the University!

  • Majoring in computer science?  This would better equip you to offer technology-related trainings in the workplace. 
  • Majoring in healthcare or business administration? This would prepare you to train employees in a hospital or business setting. 

The HRDT minor is housed within the Department of Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology; to visit their page directly, click here

Degree Planning and Sequencing

NOTE:  Information included on checksheets is subject to change. 
For the most updated information for each degree plan, students should refer to the appropriate Undergraduate Catalog and track their progress using a Degree Audit.  Additionally, we encourage all students to meet on a semester basis with the Academic Advisor for their major, who will also offer guidance about course planning within the minor.

While students may continue following a catalog year degree plan for six years, other planning factors such as course offerings or rotations and prerequisite sequencing are subject to change each year.  For that reason, the most current degree plan sequencing guide is available below; students with questions about navigating older degree plans are encouraged to meet with an advisor.

2025 Catalog

PENDING - 2025 Checksheet reflects anticipated curriculum that is subject to change and pending final approval until publication in May 2025; seek advising with questions.

2024 Catalog

Transfer Planning

NOTE:  This resource is intended to help you PLAN AHEAD, so be sure to reference the link below before taking transfer coursework whenever possible.

Students planning to earn college credit at another institution for eventual transfer to Texas State should refer to the Transfer Equivalency Guide to determine how that coursework would be evaluated by Admissions.

Minimum Requirements for Graduation

All Texas State students must meet the University's minimum Grade-Point Requirements for graduation, including a 2.00 Minor GPA if declared.

Optional Internship

satisfies required
Prescribed Elective hours

ADED 4384 Internship in Human Resource Development

Approval to register requires the student to have an internship site already lined up; however, interested students can reach out to Autumn Guel ( for guidance and a list of suggested sites. 

10 hours/week |  Spring Semesters only (first available 2026)

Substitution Requests

You may request evaluation of a course taken previously or that you plan to take to confirm whether it is equivalent to a degree requirement in your minor.

If approved, provide documentation of that approval to your advisor in order for the course substitution to be reflected on your Degree Audit.

Submit: Minor in Human Resource Development and Training