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Integrated Studies

Students studying together at computer

Effective Fall 2023, the name of this major was changed from General Studies to Integrated Studies.
Additionally, academic advising for the program was moved to the College of Education.
With the exception of first-time-out-of-high-school students who are advised by First Year Advising,
all other students pursuing this major should seek advising in the College of Education.

The analysis required to integrate a broad range of disciplines leads to a skillset that is attractive to potential employers

About Integrated Studies

The Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree with an Integrated Studies major is an individualized program for students with a broad range of interests.  

As an interdisciplinary program, the curriculum is designed to support you in developing a unique career goal built around a chosen minor, required electives, and two General Studies courses. 

Might be right for you if you're:

  • interested in more than one area and are intrigued by the opportunity to take an active role in creating your own degree plan
  • hoping to utilize credit hours you've accumulated toward a different major/minor with a focus on new career goals
  • exploring a career that isn't already supported by a traditional Texas State major

Declaring This Major

Schedule an appointment with a College of Education Advisor by calling 512.245.3050 or by stopping by the College of Education Advising Center in the Education building, suite 2143.

To ensure thorough understanding of degree and graduation requirements, students are required to meet with an Advisor before their record will be updated.  In this appointment, an advisor can answer questions about the degree program, update the student's curriculum record in the student information system, and assist with degree planning based on the new declaration.

Minor Options

This degree program requires a Minor. 
A full list of minors is available in the Undergraduate Catalog  

Statements of Understanding

Students wanting to declare into this program will be required to review and sign the Statements of Understanding form below during their advising appointment. This form is intended to provide helpful degree planning information to students early in their program to pave the way for successful planning and degree progress.

Sequencing and Degree Plan Checksheet

NOTE:  Information included on checksheets is subject to change.  
For the most updated information for each degree plan, students should refer to the appropriate Undergraduate Catalog and track their progress using a Degree Audit.  Additionally, we encourage all students to meet on a semester basis with their Academic Advisor.

While students may continue following a catalog year degree plan for six years, other planning factors such as course offerings or rotations and prerequisite sequencing are subject to change each year.  For that reason, the most current degree plan sequencing guide is available below; students with questions about navigating older degree plans are encouraged to meet with an advisor.

2025 Catalog

PENDING - 2025 Checksheet reflects anticipated curriculum that is subject to change and pending final approval until publication in May 2025; seek advising with questions.

2024 Catalog

Transfer Planning

NOTE:  These resources are intended to help you PLAN AHEAD, so be sure to check these before taking transfer coursework whenever possible.

Students planning to earn college credit at another institution for eventual transfer to Texas State should refer to the Transfer Planning Guide for confirmation of which lower-level transfer coursework may be applied toward degree requirements in this specific program.

Additionally, the Transfer Equivalency Guide can be used to determine how any transfer course will be evaluated, regardless of specific degree program.

Optional Internship

satisfies required elective
hours if still needed

Optional Internship

Approval to register for ADED 4384 Internship in Human Resource Development & Training requires a student to have an internship site already lined up; however, interested students can reach out to Autumn Guel ( for guidance and a list of suggested sites. 

10 hours/week |  Spring Semesters only (first available 2026)

Final Digital Career Portfolio

INTS 4360 and INTS 4361 are senior-level capstone courses taken in the final two semesters leading to graduation.  Integrated Studies faculty lead students through a step-by-step process of self-assessment, occupation research, and job application resources that culminates in the completion of a comprehensive digital portfolio aligning with your individual college goals. 

If you've met with a College of Education advisor about your long-range plan and they've confirmed that you'll be on track to enroll in INTS 4360 next semester, submit the following Departmental Approval Request form prior to registration:

Course Substitution Requests

You may request evaluation of a course taken previously or that you plan to take to confirm whether it is equivalent to a degree requirement in your program.

If approved, provide documentation of that approval to the College of Education Advising Center in order for the course substitution to be reflected on your Degree Audit.

The instructions below are specific to the Integrated Studies degree plan. 
To request a substitution in a different College of Education program, select from our Majors and Programs list and scroll to the substitutions section at the bottom of that specific program page.