Dear Parents/Guardians,
    We are starting a Project involving Population Growth in your students Algebra class.  Students will work in groups of two or three and they will post their results on a blog hosted on  Once these blogs are set up I encourage you to check on the progress your student is making.
    Students will be working in their groups using data from the US census report and using their knowledge of mathematics to model how population grows.  There will be plenty of time for your student to work on this project in class but may require some work at home.  This project will take 3 weeks to complete and attendance is very important please ensure that your student will not miss a significant amount of class during this project.  If you have any question or concerns feel free to contact me.
Kyle Kendrick
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Detach and return the form below- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I ______________________________, the parent/guardian of _______________________, have read and understand the nature of this project.
Please check one of the following
            __I give permission for my students blog to be visible to the public.
            __I do not give permission for my students blog to be visible to the public.
_____________________________________            _____________
            (Signature of parent/guardian)                                    (Date)