Saving our Planet

by Jessica Gamez

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents






Week 1

-Show Anchor Video

-Go over driving question

-Explain project expectations and requirements

Lesson: How to do research and effectively use the internet for resources

-Students will select their group partners

-Students will begin to brainstorm ideas for the problem that they will be addressing

Lesson: Critical Thinking: Do not believe everything you read!

- Human disturbance problem due.

-Begin on research topic

Students will continue researching for information concerning the human disturbance problem over a particular ecosystem that they have chosen. 

- Students should have 3-5 credible sources on the human disturbance problem they have chosen

Critical Thinking Rubric

Week 2

Lesson: Energy flow in ecosystems

Goal: Students will identify the components of an ecosystem and observe and describe how organisms live together in an environment and use existing resources.

Lesson: Energy flow in ecosystems

Procedure/ Observation Sheets

(Due Tuesday Week 3)

Field trip to Slaughter Creek Greenbelt

Goal: Students will hike the creek and observe and make inferences about the different interactions/ disturbances that occur.

Lesson: Effects of human disturbances on ecosystems

Organism's energy roles in ecosystems 

Food chain diagram

(Due Tuesday Week 3)

Goal: Students will alter their ecosystem by adding a human disturbance and observe and analyze the changes that occur over a couple of days.

Project work day

-Students will be observing any changes that may have occurred in their ecosystem overnight and recording data.

-Students will be working on gathering information on their project problem.

Week 3

Students will gather, analyze, and interpret the data that they have collected for the Ecosystems and Human disturbance lessons.

Lesson: Environmental Issues

Goal: Students will understand the main types of environmental issues and explain the effects of human activity an ecosystem.

Questions, Questions, Questions

(Due next day)

-Due date for first two lesson assignments


E. Issues

-Students will continue working on lesson and complete assignment.

 Project work day

-Students will be brainstorming possible solutions for the problem that they have chosen.

Project work day

-Students should have a few ideas on possible solutions and begin putting their ideas together to finalize projects.

Week 4

Project work day

Students will begin to put their PowerPoint presentations together.

Project work day

Students will continue to work on their PowerPoint presentations.

Start Presentations


Students will be handed back the feedback from their teachers and peers so that they can start working on revisions for their final project.

Week 5

Project work day

-Students will begin to work on their brochure.

Project work day

-Students will continue working on their brochure.

Project work day

-The final product is due at the end of the class period.




Teacher and students will go over what they have learned from their research and from the presentations.


-The students will be given a cumulative assessment over the lessons and presentations that they have covered in the past couple of weeks.