Flight from Austin to Incheon

by Jamie Lee

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

May 2, 2007

Dear Parent or Guardian,

Please carefully read the information in this packet that describes your child’s research project in Physics. I believe this project represents a wonderful and valuable learning opportunity for your child. I realize it is a lot of information to read but I believe it is very important that you understand all aspects of the project so that your child will meet with the highest level of success. The project your child will be engaged in, Flight from Austin to Incheon, requires self-discipline and hard work. Please check on your child’s progress from time to time and feel free to contact me if you have any questions (school #: 459-2222, E-mail: jamiejeeyounglee@gmail.com).

The research project will require a moderate amount of out of class time. In particular, the final projects will require between 3 to 5 hours of outside work time, therefore, careful scheduling and planning on the part of your child will make it easy to complete his or her final project on time. The other assignments can generally be completed during class time if all goes well. This class time can be used by students to work on the project or to do work for other classes in order to free up after school time for project research. Students will be required to purchase a bound notebook for the project.

In addition to classroom instruction, workshops with local experts will be arranged during the first six weeks of class. Guest speakers will be visiting your child during school hours. This project culminates in two days of final project presentations in which all students will present the results of their research and work.  The project will count for fifty percent of their final examination grade. The final examination grade counts for twenty five percent of their course grade.

Please sign below so that I know that you have seen this letter. Please give particular attention to the discussion of project partners and to the project due date sheet. Thank you for your time and interest.



Jamie Lee             


(Please return by your child)

I have read and understand the requirements of my child's Physics Project.


______________________   _______________________  ________________________

Child’s Name (please print)     Parent Signature                   Child Signature