Flight from Austin to Incheon

by Jamie Lee

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
1 Introduction/ Structure of Airplane Benchmark Lesson: Forces working on Air plane Project Based Inquiry: How fast does the current airplane fly from Austin to Incheon (Part I) Inquiry continued,
Anchor Video Talk about their experience with airplane and how long it takes  
Pre-assessment Diagnostic Learning Logs due for review
Concept Map    

2 Introduction to Air plane: What is desirable? Benchmark Lesson: Newton's Law (compatibility with new driving quesiton) Project Based Inquiry into the nature of what makes airplane fly, Part I Inquiry continued, Part II Various Aspects of flying
Presentations of documented problem solutions  
  Guest Speaker
3 Benchmark Lesson:  Combustion Reaction Benchmark Lesson: Paraffin Fuel Activity Benchmark Lesson: Which Fuel is better? Project-Based Inquiry: If we use regular gas, how much of it would A 380 need? Inquiry Continued II
Presentations of documented problem solutions
4 Benchmark Lesson: How you want to flight? How to measure distance with flight pattern? Statistical Analysis: How much extra fuel should you be having on hand just in case? Analysis of Data, Forming Conclusions based on Research Portfolio Workshop, collating previous material into presentation format.
  Diagnostic Learning Logs due for review
5 Benchmark Lesson:  Linear inequalities: maximizing number of passengers or quality of flight Project Inquiry: planning actual flying Project Inquiry:   Portfolio Workshop, forming recommendations and procedures for collecting needed data.
  How to measure distance with flight pattern?
Presentations of documented problem solutions  
  Presentations of documented problem solutions
6 Portfolio Worshop Portfolio Workshop   Presentations Presentations
Introductions and Abstracts Graphing Data and Analysis Workshop
    Final Recommend-ations
Final Concept Map Due