by Jamie Lee
Name: ______________________________
Period: ______________________________ Project Rubric Class Participation Your Points Rubric Points Description 0 Never contributes to group work and class discussions 2 Rarely contributes to group work and class discussions 4 Occasionally contributes to group work and class discussions 6 Sometimes contributes to group work and class discussions 8 Frequently contributes to group work and class discussions 10 Always contributes to group work and class discussions Subtotal: ______ (___/10%) Weekly Balanced Checkbook (5 pts per week for a total of 20 pts) Your Points Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Rubric Points Description 1 Journal is not complete 2 Journal is somewhat complete and one check has been given. 3 Journal is complete, but few checks have been given. 4 Journal is complete and more than three checks have been given. 5 Journal is complete with check given everyday. Week 1: _____ (__/5%) Week 2: _____ (__/5%) Week 3: _____ (__/5%) Week 4: _____ (__/5%) Subtotal: ____ (__/20%) Weekly Assignments There will be 20 weekly assignments. For each complete/correct assignment, you will receive 2 points. You will receive 1 point if the assignment in incomplete or has a significant amount of errors. You will receive no points if the assignment is not turned in. Points awarded: ____ (__/20%) 3/6 week paper Your Points Rubric Points Description 0 Nothing is turned in 5 Show of attempts 10 Occasionally contributes to group work and class discussions 15 Completed task with some correction needed 20 Completed task with persistent work ethic Subtotal: ____ (__/20%) Final Presentation Final presentation will consist of a presentation about your occupation, income, housing and other expenses, how you decided to Journal your money and your current financial status (checkbook and savings). Your Points Rubric Points Description 0 No presentation 5 Presentation was incomplete 10 Presentation was complete, but did not demonstrate thought/effort put into project 15 Presentation was complete, showed marginal thought/effort put into project 20 Presentation was complete, showed good thought/effort put into project 25 Presentation complete, and demonstrated exceptional thought/effort in the project Subtotal: ____ (__/25%) Project Total: ____(__/100%) Assessment Types Goal Ranking This assessment will be used at the beginning of the unit. It will inform the teacher on what the student wants to learn from the project. The class will be asked: “If I told you that we were going to do a month-long project with the uses of money in real-life, what would you want to learn in doing the project? Set goals for what you want to learn while doing the project. Then rank your goals with the first being the hardest to accomplish.” This will provide insight on the student’s thoughts on money usage and the student’s interests in money matters. It will also allow the teacher to include some of the student’s ideas in the project. It will highlight for the student the goals of the project and the student will become more aware of questions and ideas concerning the topic of money. Diagnostic Learning Log The students are required to keep a journal during the money unit. The diagnostic learning log will be one element of this journal. The journal will be used to give the students feedback on what they've accomplished. The journals will give insight to the teacher on what the students do or do not understand. The journal will also require the student to become more reflective on his/her learning and understanding. The students will have to "observe, evaluate, and criticize their own learning." Concept Map The students will create a concept map at the beginning of this unit concerning money management. They will turn it in to the teacher so that she can assess prior knowledge. A copy will be returned to each student to keep on his/her desk. As the unit progresses, the student can add, delete or even create a new concept map. At the end of the unit, as part of the final assessment, the student would need to take 5 minutes to compare and contrast the 2 concept maps. Focused Lists Use this assessment to see what comes to the students' minds when they hear the word "Journal". The students will make their own list and then share some ideas with the class. This helps the teacher know where to start to describe a Journal. This assessment will be used after a class to see what students recall from a lesson, and will be extended to connect their ideas on the list in their concept map. Minute Paper The minute paper will be used to assess what the students have learned on a specific day and to monitor progress on the project. This will give the teacher a chance to easily (and quickly) determine whether students are working on the project in a beneficial manner. After reviewing their responses, the teacher will decide if it is necessary to include a benchmark lesson or direct the next days work so that my students learn what they need to learn to complete the project. Categorizing Grid This assessment will be used to assess the student’s knowledge concerning the concepts of transforming fractions to decimals, decimals to percents, percents to fractions, etc. For this part of the unit, it is important for students to understand why and when they would need to do the transformation. To assess student’s knowledge of this, the teacher will use the categorizing grid. There will be three columns titled, "Fractions", "Percents", and "Decimals", and three rows titled the same thing. In the rectangle, the students would write an example of when or why they would change A(rows) to B(columns). For example, in the rectangle (Fraction, Decimal), the student would give an example of why they would change a fraction to a decimal. Misconception/preconception It is important when assessing prior knowledge to not only find out what a student knows about a certain subject but also what "flaws" they might have in their current schema. This pre-assessment will be used to assess what students know about credit card use. It will be used it to compare their knowledge concerning loans and credit and to see if there is a connection between the 2 concepts concerning interest rates. One Sentence Summary This assessment will be included in the daily journals the students must keep. It will be used to quickly assess the students after a lesson. This will aid the students in the ability to summarize and help the students to organize what they know or have learned into a complete sentence. aStudent-Generated Questions I would use this strategy to assess the students. I would change it slightly. Instead of the students generating a test question, I would have them develop a word problem using the concepts. The students would work independently to create the word problem. Then, the students would swap problems with a partner. The partner would try to solve the problem and critique the word problem to give the student feedback. Both the problem and the attempted solution would be turned in for assessment. This would allow the teacher to see how well both students understood the material. |