Will You Live to be 110?

Katie May, Julie McPhail, Ashley Welch

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Needed Resources:

  • 25 TI-83 Graphing Calculators 
  • Graph Paper Pack (20 sheets each)
  • Package of 100 3x5 index cards
  • Consulting Fee for Longevity Expert
  • School bus trip to City Hall
  • Poster Board, assorted colors, 48-pack


Available Resources:

  • Access to computer labs
  • Internet access
  • Rental of TI-Navigator Network System
  • Actuarial Expert
  • 25 Textbooks (Algebra II, Larson et. al., 2003)
  • Netlogo Software installed on all TI-83s and the main computer

  • TI-NetLogo system (including the computer, 8 hubs, cables, etc.)

  • doc-cam or other way of displaying websites to the entire class

  • one main computer to use in front of class


Web resources: