Will You Live to be 110?

Katie May, Julie McPhail, Ashley Welch

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents
Dear Parent,
         For the next five weeks, your child will be participating in a mathematics unit entitled, “Will You Live to be 110?”. This unit combines hands-on, relevant, and contextualized mathematics lessons with a group project that will deepen students’ mathematical understanding and reshape their views of mathematics, while leading them on a mission to discover more about lifespan and improve the community’s health. On October 5, the class will take a trip to City Hall where each group of students will present their findings and recommendations to a city government official and the general public at a public meeting, which we encourage you and anyone else who is interested to attend. The following questions and answers will give you more detail about the unit:
How will the unit be graded?
         Each student’s grade for the unit will primarily be based upon the evaluations of their group presentation, group project report, and individual paper. The rubrics for these activities will be given next week to your child.
What supplies will your child need to purchase? How much time is required of your child?
         All necessary materials for the project will be provided in-class, including presentation materials. There will be an adequate number of lab days allowing each group to work on the majority of their project in class. There will be a few homework assignments throughout the unit, which should not take more than 30 minutes for the respective night in which they are assigned. The individual paper will be the main assignment that your child will complete outside of class and will be assigned a few days in advance, as it will take more time to prepare.
Please sign below and return the detached portion with your child, so that we know that you have seen this letter. Thank you for your time and interest. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email or phone.
         Katie May                     Katie@school.isd.org            777-7777
         Julie McPhail                Julie@school.isd.org             777-7778
         Ashley Welch               Ashley@school.isd.org         777-7779
I have read and agreed to the above information regarding the “Will You Live to be 110?” unit.
Child’s name (please print): _______________________________________________________
Parent’s name (please print): ______________________________________________________
Parent’s signature: ______________________________________________________________