Parabolas in the Real World

by Amber Blakley, Jessica Brockway, Jenni Darlow

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Dear Parent/Guardian,


During the next six weeks your child will be participating in an Algebra project relating the real world and quadratic equations.  This project will teach the students to apply mathematical concepts to real life situations as well as find the math in real life situations.  The main goals of this project are to increase students’ interest in math and to give them a thorough understanding of quadratics.


The students will be graded on the completion of their homework, their in-class participation, completion of in class activities, quizzes, and their final project, which will include a presentation. The students out of class workload will not increase while they participate in this project.  It is encouraged that the students bring their own graphing calculators, but some will be provided if necessary.  The only other materials the students will need are their notebooks and pencils.


If you have any questions about the upcoming project feel free to contact us.


We look forward to this experience,


The High School Math Teaching Team


Amber Blakley

Jenni Darlow

Jessica Brockway




I have read the Math Modeling Project information sheet and understand all of its implications.


Student’s Name (printed): ___________________________


Parent/Guardian Name (printed): _______________________


Parent/Guardian Name (signed): _______________________


Date: _________________