Parabolas in the Real World

by Amber Blakley, Jessica Brockway, Jenni Darlow
Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Algebra I: 5th Six Weeks Jessica Brockway, Jenni Darlow, Amber Blakley

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Introduction of Polynomials; what is and what isn't? Properties of Polynomials(add, subtract, simplify Multipying polynomials finish manipulating polynomials - introduce quadratics (real world - motion) introduce quadratic function - what the equation and graph look like
assessments Interest knowledge/skills checklist: a checklist of topics covered in the course        

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Investigate and predict the effects of changes in c on the graph y=ax^2+c Investigate and predict the effects of changes in a on the graph y=ax^2+c different parts of the graph; what they mean - QUIZ table and being able to make a graph Solving equations:factoring
  Memory Matrix: a two-dimensional diagram to show relationships    

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

more factoring completing the square completing the square quadratic equation quadratic equation:roots
assessments Documented Problem Solving: prompts students to keep track of the steps they take   Documented Problem Solving   Documented Problem Solving

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Choosing best method of solving - how to decide QUIZ(solving quadratics) - Properties of Parabola/real world applications Lenses / focus (computer applet) extrapolating/realistic domain Introduce project
assessments Categorizing Grid: sorting terms/problems into the correct categories on the grid Problem Recognition Tasks: presents students with problems and students must identify type   Concept Map: diagram showing connections students make between concepts Project Prospectus: a brief, structured outline of the project

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

work on project work on project work on project Final Assessment (Presentations) Final Assessment (presentations)

Project Rubric

Grading Rubric

Possible Points Needs Revision Total Points
Picking a Topic 5

Picking a Group 5

Proposal: 25

What you will be studying & why is it's interesting.(5)

How do you intend to measure it and calculate it? (10)

What may be possible difficulties you may encoutner? (10)

Collecting Data: 20



actual data(5)

Final Write Up: 25


Includes material(15)

Final Presentation: 25




Webpage: 15


Creativitive (5)

Required content (5)

Final Grade:

total pts

grade distribuation:

A: 120-108

B: 107-96

C: 95-84

D: 83-72

F: 71 & below