Parabolas in the Real World

by Amber Blakley, Jessica Brockway, Jenni Darlow

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents
Target audience:  Algebra I students

This unit covers quadratic equations and functions within the context of the real world.  Properties of quadratic functions and their graphs, solving methods and applications of quadratic equations are explored through the parabolas that are parts of everyday life.  It is important, therefore, that the teacher know what things in the world are parabolas.  Satellite dishes, antennas, lenses, parabolic microphones and projectile motion are all examples of parabolas being applied to things in everyday use.  However, there are some figures in the world that may appear to be parabolas that are not so it is important that the teacher is aware of this so that he or she can correct students’ misconceptions about these.  For example, the St. Louis Arch is hyperbolic, not parabolic.  Also, the cables on suspension bridges are parabolas, but only because of the weight they support.  If there was no weight being supported, they would not be parabolas.  To learn more about this, visit the website titled “Parabolas in Suspension Bridges!” at
Our final assessment involves the students constructing a webpage with the information they gathered about parabolas in the real world for their project. is a good online web page tool to share with the students to help them with their page. 
Some of the lessons involve the use of applets from the internet so it is important to be familiar with these before the lessons are planned to be taught.  In addition, some background information from basic physics will be helpful to explain projectile motion, specifically the laws of gravity, velocity and acceleration.
Thank you for choosing our project to teach quadratics.  We hope that both you and your students find it interesting and engaging.

Amber Blakely
Jessica Brockway
Jenni Darlow