by Kristine Calderon, Katie Larsen, Loree Campbell
PRINT MATERIALS Lancaster, Mike. Green Chemistry: An Introductory Text. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK, 2002. Clark, James, and Duncan Macquarrie. Handbook of Green Chemistry and Technology, Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford, UK, 2002. Matlack, Albert S. Introduction to Green Chemistry. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, 2001. WEB MATERIALS TEACHER RESOURCES Environmental Protection Agency, Accessed November 2006. Green Chemistry Organizations. Accessed November 2006. Green Chemistry Institute High School Resources\education\edresources-highschool.html Accessed November 2006. Green Chemistry at the University of Oregon. Accessed November 2006. Greening Schools, Illinois EPA and Waste Management Resource Center. Accessed November 2006. STUDENT AND TEACHER RESOURCES ACS Green Chemistry Institute: Education. Accessed November 2006. SUPPLIES BENCHMARK LESSONS Pollution: Impacts on Plants Making Ethanol from Molasses Molasses 1 gallon container per 30 students Yeast 1 packer per student Bent glass tubes (for rubber stoppers) Straight glass tubes 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks and rubber stoppers 1 per student 250 mL round bottom flasks and rubber stoppers 1 per student Hot plates 1 per 2 students INVESTIGATIONS Make Your Own Habitat Elodea 1 per student Duckweed 1 per student Water snails 1 per student Sand 1 ten pound bag per 10 students Guppies 1 per student Lamps 1 per group of 2 students How Green Can Their Lab Be? Chemicals depends on labs selected by students, but will be limited to those that are not highly hazardous. The following chemicals will definitely be available: Ethanol Hydrogen peroxide Vegetable oil Plant oils Sodium hydroxide Vinegar Domestic microwave ovens 2 total per class Binders (for students’ final reports for the schools’ faculty and staff) 1 per student “Green Products” for presentations to students: Corn-plastic water bottle Hemp bag 1-2 of each item |