Animals and Their Environment

by Ainni Hameed, Jeremy Krimmel, Eva Pan and Dalan Tran

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1

-Show simulations and modeling to engage students
-Introduction to the unit
-Organisms and their environment (version 1) or (version 2)
-Assessing prior knowledge = Misconception/Preconception Check

-Break students into 4 groups and talk about final project. (Show on a powerpoint or overhead 4 endagered species in Austin and  let them choose an endangered species for the project).

How Organisms Interact (Version 1)or (version 2)

_Assessment quiz (multiple choice and short answer) at the end of the lesson.  In addition, Muddiest Point assessment.  Asking students to jog down a quick response to the most confusing part about the lesson on the bottom of the quiz.

_ Provide them with articles to gather background information

-Research: Library Day
-Gather background information about the species e.g. habitat and create a draft paper/notecard on the background information.  Turn it in the next day to receive credit for today’s work.
-Look up websites and articles related to the project for the presentations.

Animal Behavior

-Concept Map Assessment at the end of the lesson with your group member from Monday.

-Turn in background information draft on 3x5 or 4x6 notecards.

-Begin Lesson Plan # 3: The Ecology of Population Tag*

_ Muddiest Point assessment - Asking students to jog down a quick response to the most confusing part about the lesson on a piece of paper.

-Work on answering why the species is endangered and a proposal to save it.

Week 2
-Adaptations of Microorganisms

-Assessment quiz (multiple choice and short answer) at the end of the lesson

-Lab day for developing proposal

-Field Trip to the Professional Agency
-Scientific Method

-Categorizing Grid Assessment at end of the lesson to assess understanding of scientific method.

_Field Trip to observe the species and the environment
-Finish written proposal and turn it in today.
- Chose a factor to work on in the environment

Week 3
- Group discussion and teacher feedback on proposals.

- Field Trip to collect data

-Group conference

-Lab day for final project

-lab day to work on data collected

research project

- Field Trip to collect data
-Group conference

-Finish the research project

Week 4
- Group Presentation Prep
Presentation Day 1 (2 groups per day – 15minutes of presentation and 5 minutes Q&A)

-Group Assessment: Poster Session

Presentation Day 2
(2 groups per day – 15minutes of presentation and 5 minutes Q&A)

-Group Assessment: Poster Session

Develop an academic website with your group members for your research project.
Develop an academic website with your group members for your research project.

Blue - Teacher
Red - Assessment
Green - Student