Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Week 1 |
simulations and modeling to engage students
-Introduction to the unit
and their environment (version 1) or
(version 2)
-Assessing prior knowledge
= Misconception/Preconception Check
-Break students
into 4 groups and talk about final project. (Show on a powerpoint
or overhead 4 endagered species in Austin and let them
choose an endangered species for the project).
Organisms Interact (Version 1)or (version 2)
_Assessment quiz (multiple
choice and short answer) at the end of the lesson. In addition,
Muddiest Point assessment. Asking students to jog down a
quick response to the most confusing part about the lesson on
the bottom of the quiz. _
Provide them with articles to gather background information
Library Day -Gather
background information about the species e.g. habitat and create
a draft paper/notecard on the background information. Turn
it in the next day to receive credit for today’s work. -Look up
websites and articles related to the project for the presentations.
Animal Behavior
-Concept Map Assessment
at the end of the lesson with your group member from Monday.
-Turn in background
information draft on 3x5 or 4x6 notecards. |
Lesson Plan # 3: The Ecology of Population Tag*
Muddiest Point assessment - Asking students to jog down a quick
response to the most confusing part about the lesson on a piece
of paper.
-Work on answering why the
species is endangered and a proposal to save it.
Week 2 |
of Microorganisms
-Assessment quiz (multiple
choice and short answer) at the end of the lesson
-Lab day for developing
proposal |
-Field Trip
to the Professional Agency |
-Categorizing Grid Assessment
at end of the lesson to assess understanding of scientific method.
_Field Trip
to observe the species and the environment |
-Finish written
proposal and turn it in today.
- Chose a factor to work
on in the environment |
Week 3 |
- Group discussion
and teacher feedback on proposals. -
Field Trip to collect data |
-Group conference
-Lab day for final project |
-lab day to work on
data collected
-develop research
project |
- Field Trip to collect data |
-Group conference
-Finish the research
project |
Week 4 |
- Group Presentation
Day 1 (2 groups per day – 15minutes of presentation and
5 minutes Q&A)
-Group Assessment: Poster
Session |
Day 2 (2 groups
per day – 15minutes of presentation and 5 minutes Q&A)
-Group Assessment: Poster
Session |
Develop an
academic website with your group members for your research project.
Develop an
academic website with your group members for your research project.