Animals and their Environment

Ainni Hameed, Jeremy Krimmel, Eva Pan, and Dalan Tran

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

    The mechanism for measuring the project’s success will be research poster session.  This poster session will be open to public so students will have a chance to present their findings to their classmates and experts.  Students in each group will present the data and observation on the poster they collected.  They will make prediction on overall trend of decline is present among the endangered animals of Central Texas.  Furthermore, they should conclude whether they ways to conserve these species based on their scientific data and conclusion is valid or not.  This project focus on the scientific research process and the poster session will be a great opportunity to evaluate students’ progress.  Students will be also graded based on their participation during the course of this project.  To effectively measure the progress of each group, I will have a grading rubric and closely observe each member of the group.  In addition, there will be another rubric for each group during poster session to evaluate the overall presentation.  These rubrics will be the primary records and information for the teachers to keep and allow us to measure our progress.

    According to the biology TEKS, this upcoming final project meets the general requirements.  For instance, “students conduct field and laboratory investigations, use scientific methods during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical-thinking and scientific problem-solving.  In addition, investigations students conducted are used to learn about the natural world. Students should understand that some types of questions can be answered by investigations, and that methods, models, and conclusions built from these investigations change as new observations are made. Models of objects and events are tools for understanding the natural world and can show how systems work.

Group Project Oral Presentation – Grading Rubric (per group)

Group Project Oral Presentation Checklist  

Group Project Oral Presentation Checklist






Speaking style

Speaks clearly and at audible volume, engages audience, uses visual and spoken material to convey information clearly.





Describes motivation for proje= ct.





Provides clear summary of rele= vant background knowledge.





Describes project design, expl= aining major choices, using diagrams and illustrations.




Results and Data

Presents main results, using graphics appropriately





Summarizes findings.













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