Parent Letter

Liz Berlinger, Chris Copeland, Janie McMillin, Meagan Vickers


Anchor Video

Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents





Dear Parents –

We are thrilled to be working with your child this year. We will be working on a project during the upcoming six-weeks that will address key mathematical concepts of the Pre-Calculus course through the development of sundials. Our goal is to raise interest in mathematics and its real world applications. The project is not ordinary math in the sense that we will be teaching straight out of textbooks. Instead, the students will be working on their own or in groups to develop understanding of the concepts and answer the problem presented: “What if all the clocks stopped? How could we tell time?” All of the supplies necessary for this project are provided by the school, so there will be no out of pocket expense on your part. The project will take place almost entirely during the class period, so the homework load will be lighter than the previous six-weeks. However, this does not mean that your child will have no responsibilities outside of class to work on their own understanding. Students will be working in groups, thus they are responsible for keeping contact with their peers and not falling behind. The project will conclude with sundial presentations and a test over the formulas they’ve utilized to build their sundials. Parents are invited to attend the final presentations and may bring video their child’s presentation. We will keep you updated with that information as the project progresses. Grades will be based on assessments throughout the project such as worksheets and quizzes, participation, and their final product. We feel that this will be a unique learning experience for your child. We have attached the calendar outlining the breakup of concepts and due dates each week.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.


Elizabeth Berlinger  - (867-5308), available 730-900am

Chris Copeland  - (867-5309), available 9am-10am

Janie McMillin – (867-5310), available noon-1pm

Meagan Vickers – (867-5311), available 330pm - 5pm

(These times of availability are not set in stone. We hope to work with you to find a time that’s best for all parties involved).




I have read and understood my child’s expectations for the Sundial Project.

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________________

Child’s Name ____________________________________________________________