Unit Calendar

Liz Berlinger, Chris Copeland, Janie McMillin, Meagan Vickers


Anchor Video

Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents
















Lesson 1


anchor video,

sundial simulation


Lesson 2

Timeline project begins-

History lesson Outline


Timeline research day

Lesson 3

Review on triangles, Pythagorean theorem simulation




Trig Functions Intro –





(unit circle)


Intro to Unit Circle (Day 1): Paper Folding Activity

Intro to Unit Circle (Day 2):

Labeling the Unit Circle

Converting Degrees to Radians

Finding Exact Values of the Trig Functions

Assessment – quiz

Wrapping up the Unit Circle



Lesson 4

Timeline due

Trig and inverse Trig Functions


Lesson 5

Astronomy parts –

Measurement, finding true north


Lesson 5 Lesson 6

Sketchpad exercise – working with circles, start ideas for design


Lesson 6

Work on sketching base, creating template, using inverse trig. functions to produce hour line angles


Assessment – quiz

Sketchpad assignment due, work on base sketches

4 (gnomon)

Trig Identities­- exploring trig on graphing calculators

(lecture and group work)

Lesson 7

Law of sines/ cosines

(lecture and group work)


Finding the length of the gnomon, determining the markings for each hour


Lesson 6

Work on building gnomon-sketching, template



Assessment – quiz


Continue working on handouts, sketches for this week



Lesson 8

Safety – start building (Vickers)

Continue building

Building and Testing

Sundial presentations, maybe more testing
Presentation Rubric

Test 1

Test 2



1:  Assessment- Minute Paper. At the end of the lesson, the last question on the handout asks students to identify three questions the activity generated for them about sundials, and/or things they hope to learn from the unit. This acts as a minute paper in that it can be used to determine students’ knowledge learned from the day as well as modify future assignments to incorporate student questions (addressing these questions could be the engagement the following day).


2: Assessment - Empty Outline


2.5: Assessment - Profiles of Admirable Individuals


3: Assessment - Misconception/Preconception Check


4: Assessment- Concept Map (connecting trig functions with other math concepts)


5: Assessment – Application Cards


6: Assessment – Process Analysis


7: Assessment – Pro and Con Grid – good for determining what is good and bad about possible design ideas, students can compare ideas side by side


8: Assessment - What’s the principle (students are able to think more about the content rather than have a bunch of similar problems, present different ways for working problems)


9: Assessment – Documented Problem Solutions


10: Assessment - Productive Study time logs