By Jason Avent, Ellen Lukasik, Michael West
Algebra II: “To the Moon and Beyond” Resources Supplies: Graphing Calculators (class set) Decahedron Dice (3 per student group) Program #12 in the Carl Sagan “Cosmos” series, Imagine the Universe! Web site or CD-rom Overhead Projector Overhead of Activity Sheets (see lesson plans) Overhead markers Anchor video Optional for Presentations: Poster board, markers, scissors, glue, tape, invitations and announcements, microphone, ribbons, etc. Web-based sources: Orbital Flight Simulator- applet for students or demonstration “Learning about Properties of Vectors and Vector Sums Using Dynamic Software”-lesson plan “Spare Parts for the Space Shuttle” and “Surviving in a Lunar Base Station”-lesson plans “The Space Shuttle Glider”-lesson plan |