To the Moon and Beyond

By Jason Avent, Ellen Lukasik, Michael West

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Biology Calendar, Math Calendar, Physics Calendar

Calendar of Biology




Jason Avent

5th Six weeks lesson plan




Monday 1

Tuesday 2

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4

Friday 5

Friday Extension


Calendar Week 1

Parts of the cell and what they do.  Generalize these parts and make analogies to buildings, cars, etc.  have students connect a mechanical function to a cellular function.  Scaling up to multicellular organisms, the same functions are again recapitulated at a larger scale.

Viruses and bacteria-

Show difference in scale, complexity, and autonomy.  Viral diseases are listed and bacterial diseases listed.  Common ways to distinguish the two types of infection (response to antibiotics, culturing of sample, PCR test for specific bacterial and viral DNA.) 

Bacteria in your body.  Blood and tissues are ideally sterile, but the digestive system wouldn’t work without bacteria.  The key to disease prevention is to avoid picking up bacteria from others and avoid spreading yours to them.  Contrast pathogens and mutualistic bacteria.  New approaches to treatment target pathogenicity genes rather than targeting bacteria in general.  Why is it a problem to give antibiotics for a viral infection

Discussion of microbes- which ones would we need to take to The Moon?  Would it be possible to prevent or screen out disease organisms when transporting people to The Moon?  What are the possible drawbacks?  Would you expect disease to re-evolve in a lunar colony if diseases were eliminated during the transport?

Test on bacteria, viruses and other microbes

The microbes we have studied are often highlighted as “bad” because diseases are so interesting.  What happens to you if all of the bacteria in your colon are killed?  What kinds of opportunities does this provide pathogenic microbes?

The calendar above complements the one week of instruction on microbes at the beginning of the six weeks.  We are informed about TAKS testing, so one day will be taken out- the lesson plan- Thursday can be dispensed with if necessary to accommodate this.  Friday extension activities will be brought out for the class to consider on Friday.  On Monday, students are encourages to share their conclusions.




Monday 6

Tuesday 7

Wednesday 8

Thursday 9

Friday 10

Friday extension


Calendar Week 2

Start “Producers Make their own food”

Producers Make their own food” discussion and lecture- how do organisms make their own food and different kinds (archaebacteria, cyanobacteria, algae, and plants)


Lesson on symbiotes that are producers-

coral+algae, Tube worms+archaebacteria, Legumes+ rhizobium, plants+ Chloroplasts (endosymbiosis)

Some things live in together organisms and “pay rent” for space, protection, mobility, stable environment, nutrient collection,  etc.

One experimental group in the plant growing groups gets a baking soda+vinegar fizz in growth chamber- ask how they think this will affect the plant.  CO2- a pollutant and/or a nutrient? (both, but in different circumstances)

Photorespiration and the need for CO2 by plants.

C4  and CAM metabolism discussion- collecting CO2 and pumping it into an O2 free cellular compartment- why are the chloroplasts in the bundle sheath fat and white and the ones outside skinny and green?  Why do CAM plants breathe at night?

Would CO2 have its pollutant properties on The Moon in enclosed habitats?  Show chart of how much CO2 increase a human cannot detect.  How much would a plant like to have?  What seems like a good compromise?



Monday 11

Tuesday 12

Wednesday 13

Thursday 14

Friday 15

Friday extension


Calendar Week 3

Lesson 4: Consumers Get Energy From Other Living Things


Lesson 5:

Decomposers Get Energy

From Dead Things

Discussion of nutrient phase changes Why are the plants in the baking soda chamber growing faster than the others? How can CO2 (gas) become a solid? (show dry ice, oil, and sugar) Where does the water stop being water in the water cycle?  Demo with H2 fuel cell car.

 6-“The cycle of matter”

Supplying the Lunar Base discussion- what do you import and what do you grow?  Fresh meat or fresh vegetables?  At what point could livestock be imported to The Moon? Answer: when this animal’s ration can be grown- its ration of plant will be like the ration for one human but provides only 1/10th of that.  When can you bring your cat?

½ class period quiz

Dealing with dead plants and dead people on The Moon.  If their nutrients are too valuable would they have to be cremated rather than buried?  Making a compost pile- using waste materials like roots, stems, and rot as soil when combined with moon rocks.

Show Periodic chart with needed nutrients bold.

The compost would be a reservoir of carbon and would require more CO2 to be imported or found vs. hydroponics and a catalytic oven.  Would we want to lock carbon up as compost on Earth?  Why is this different in Space?





Monday 16

Tuesday 17

Wednesday 18

Thursday 19

Friday 20

Friday extension


Calendar Week 4

Evaluate the results from plant growth experiments- Have students discuss their findings after two weeks of plant growth.  What do plants need and why do we need them?  Look at slides of C4 plant tissue and recall the bundle sheath discussed earlier during CO2 discussion.

Identifying the larger structures of plants and examination of the plant with a hand lens.  Fibrous compared to taproot systems; woody versus herbaceous.  Discussion of functions with students volunteering the functions they think each part has.

i.e. What do you think the hairs (trichomes) on the plant do?

Lab/microscope day looking at prepared slides and learning the tissues of the plant. Along with their functions.

Discuss the functions of the tissues they saw in the microscope and show slides from Dr. Mauseth’s plant anatomy website


Lab Practical

Compare a system in a plant to your own systems and contrast.  Circulatory compared to xylem and phloem; stomata and aerenchyma compared to lungs and pores.  Roots compared to our digestive system etc.



Monday 21

Tuesday 22

Wednesday 23

Thursday 24

Friday 25

Friday extension


Claendar Week 5

Nat’l Geo Video: Sexual Encounters of the Floral Kind

Allergies and what plants cause them?  Insect pollination- will we need bees on the moon?  Wind pollination- will we sneeze?  Sterile clones- will the populations collapse suddenly because there is no evolvability?

Dissecting scopes and hand lenses- sexuality of plants.  Some plants like cucumbers “change sex” bearing cheap male flowers when the plant is little and massive fruits when older.  Avoidance of self-fertilization by timing of blooms and self-incompatibility.  Monocot versus dicot flowers distinguishing characteristics also cones from conifers.

Plant oxygen production and light use lab (bring H2 fuel cell car out again show O2 and H2)

Elodea or hornwort + houseplant leaf in a pipette lab.  Compare oxygen produced by plants in a green light, plants in a red light, and a plant in bright sunlight.  Measure temerature at the end.  Why is the houseplant leaf not making O2?-Adaptations of elodea allow it to use the underwater environment.

How many plants are needed for how many people and how much light will they need?

Read “Farming for the Future”

Look at chart that relates light, space and food for people.  How small an area can grow the food you need if you put the maximum light on the plants?  Map this space out on the ground and on a set of shelves.

Laboratory review and testing on the plant concepts and anatomy.

Look at the different systems for getting light to plants (direct sun, incandescent, fluorescent, sodium, LED, and fiber optic piping.)  Which kind of system would you employ in space and on the moon.  Remember the south pole crater is always in shadow, but somewhere on the rim there is always sunlight.  How much more light is available per square meter of collection compared to Earth?  How many people could one m2 of direct moonlight feed?




Calendar Week 6

Design the system you would want to support you on the Moon.  Break up into groups and start sketching out the best systems.  What will you mine or harvest from the environment?  What will you have to import?  Put systems together in a way that is complementary and efficient.  Brainstorm and internet search- meet with the group outside of class between Mon and Wed.

Students discuss their lines of thinking.  Groups decide what specific aspect of the environment will need to be controlled (temp, humidity, O2, CO2, water, light)

Groups are encouraged to take different tacks so that their pieces can fit together.  Groups discuss what parts of the system they want to collaborate on or may be competetive with one another in a head to head fight for the contract.  Group that “wins” gets to go to the Moon and help build it.

Students prepare concept maps and posters (electronically or analog) for their projects.

Students present, critique, and combine projects in class and conjoin posters if necessary.  Competing groups may decide to combine designs and work cooperatively to land the contract (teacher should point out links between competing projects and how they complement).

Big poster session- student groups present their posters in auditorium and get to see the posters done for math, Physics, and biology.  Arrangement of posters and presentations to emphasize the flow of ideas.

Grade given for projects.

How could the different posters here be combined to make a good plan for getting to The Moon or beyond.  Any last minute thoughts that would improve your poster/project?  Permission to “steal” or rather cite (with credit given) from another group’s designs are given in this assignment.  Encourage collaborations between groups.

The final week of group project is an opportunity for students to synthesize what they know and see what other students are thinking.  These are the five days of reteach, review and remediation, which can be done by tworking with a group of students whose test reveal they have not gotten the concepts.  Students who are struggling are given a short review of the difficult concepts and then they are asked to correct the missed parts on their tests.   

The two example lesson plans are linked here:  these are Astro-venture modules and are already 5E in organization and 2061 compliant.

Lesson 6: The Cycle of Matter

Lesson 3: Producers Make their Own food







Michael West

5th Six weeks lesson plan


Monday 1

Tuesday 2Self awareness of ways of learning

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4

Friday 5


Calendar Week 1

Take the students on a trip from the straw that they drink from to the moon.  Refraction is introduced.  Probing questions to assess previous light/optics knowledge

Wavelength, frequency, period discussion

Watch trailer movie:  to the moon and beyond by Jason, Ellen, and Mike

Introduce parallel projects

Refraction lab.  Verification of Snellās law.

Lab continued. 

Extension to the moon, topic brainstorming session

Splitting white light:

Prism demistified

Focal point of lenses addressed


Monday 6 CAT 16: Concept Maps

Tuesday 7

Wednesday 8

Thursday 9

Friday 10



Calendar Week 2

Interference:  What does light do to light?

In phase/out of phase

Make qualitative observations of single and double slit observations

Project:  form groups of common interest

Lab day:  Use laser slit experiments to determine slit spacing and slit width.

 Electricity is linked to light:

Light bulbs




Wave-particle duality >>slit experiments

Reference to photoelectric effect

Demo:  electricity at its core.  Fur, plastic, metal, nails, Styrofoam, and a van de graff machine create mystery and intrigue

Project day:  due final topic and reference sources

How will your project intermesh with other projects?


Monday 11

Tuesday 12

Wednesday 13

Thursday 14

Friday 15



Calendar Week 3

As physicists, we want to understand electricity with the same quantitative certainty that we use to predict mechanical processes. 

Coulomb's law

Good explanation of inverse square law and linking to gravitation

Field discussion

Lab day: Verification of Coulombās law and determination of k. 

 Lab day:  continued

 Project day:  Posters are set up in class for working on


Monday 16

Tuesday 17

Wednesday 18

Thursday 19

Friday 20



Calendar Week 4

Observe magnetic force lines with metal filings.

Instill need for right hand rule.

Currents and resistance

Lab day:  verification of Ohmās law

Unknown resistors/mystery boxes

Determination of Req

Electric Current

Quick Lab:  A Lemon Battery

Project day


Monday 21

Tuesday 22

Wednesday 23

Thursday 24

Friday 25



Calendar Week 5

Circuits:  series cells power your cells day 1

Circuits:  series cells power your cells day 2

Circuits:  series cells power your cells day 3

Parallel circuitry and theory

Project Day


Monday 21

Tuesday 22

Wednesday 23

Thursday 24

Friday 25 Documented Problem Solution


Using Analytic Memos


Calendar Week 6

Project Day:  Get it done!  What do you need from me?

Time permitting:  Magnetic phenomena

Or catch up

Time permitting:  Magnetic phenomena or catch up

Interdisciplinary discussion regarding project.  Get the students excited!




What do you expect these disciplines to bring to the table?

Students present, critique, and combine projects in class and conjoin posters if necessary.  Competing groups may decide to combine designs and work cooperatively to land the contract (teacher should point out links between competing projects and how they complement).

Big poster session- student groups present their posters in auditorium and get to see the posters done for math, Physics, and biology.  Arrangement of posters and presentations to emphasize the flow of ideas.

Grade given for projects.

How could the different posters here be combined to make a good plan for getting to The Moon or beyond.  Any last minute thoughts that would improve your poster/project?  Permission to ćstealä or rather cite (with credit given) from another groupās designs are given in this assignment.  Encourage collaborations between groups.

Self awareness of ways of learning

I would use this as a lesson early in the unit, giving thhree alternative explainations of a phenomena or alternative ways to solve a problem, then asking students a series of questions.

Which method helps you remember the material best?

Which method helps you understand the material best?

Which method could they use to extend to further concepts or other specific phenomena we have studied?

Did any of the methods just not make sense?

This seems great for physics because it shows students that many paths yeild valid and consistent answers and personal understandings. This seems like it could apply to math well too.

Documented Problem Solution

 I would use these as daily assessments either at some point during the lessons. I would also have one problem on any test or quiz that asked students to explain their work explicitly. Further, I would ask students to extend this method to their project work, by requiring them to include a paper or outline that states the problem the project deals with and how the different aspects of their poster fit together to solve this problem.

CAT 16: Concept Maps

 For my project, to the moon and beyond, I would help students come up with a big concept map as part of their topic brainstorming session early in the unit. This CAT would then be extended to the groups. Each group would be required to complete a concept map with more specific information about the balloon or topic that they chose off of the broader concept map on the board. In this way, students would have a road map to see what needs to be accomplished for their aspect of the project and how their peice fits in with the rest of the classes projects.

Using Analytic Memos

 I would want to integrate this into my project because my experiences with it have been very good. It gives students a goal and purpose. I think that I could include this as part of the final poster session. The students could write a letter to NASA presenting their findings and speculating on how they could be applied.


Making A Poster : To The Moon and Beyond


Teacher Name: Mr. Avent


Student Name:     ________________________________________







Graphics -Clarity

Graphics are all in focus and the content easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away.

Most graphics are in focus and the content easily viewed and identified from 6 ft. away.

Most graphics are in focus and the content is easily viewed and identified from 4 ft. away.

Many graphics are not clear or are too small.

Graphics - Relevance

All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation.

All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation.

All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation.

Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation.

Graphics - Relevance

All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation.

All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand. All borrowed graphics have a source citation.

All graphics relate to the topic. Most borrowed graphics have a source citation.

Graphics do not relate to the topic OR several borrowed graphics do not have a source citation.

Required Elements

The poster includes all required elements as well as additional information.

All required elements are included on the poster.

All but 1 of the required elements are included on the poster.

Several required elements were missing.

Knowledge Gained

Student can accurately answer all questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster.

Student can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster.

Student can accurately answer about 75% of questions related to facts in the poster and processes used to create the poster.

Student appears to have insufficient knowledge about the facts or processes used in the poster.

Content - Accuracy

At least 7 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.

5-6 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.

3-4 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.

Less than 3 accurate facts are displayed on the poster.


Title can be read from 6 ft. away and is quite creative.

Title can be read from 6 ft. away and describes content well.

Title can be read from 4 ft. away and describes the content well.

The title is too small and/or does not describe the content of the poster well.


There are no grammatical mistakes on the poster.

There is 1 grammatical mistake on the poster.

There are 2 grammatical mistakes on the poster.

There are more than 2 grammatical mistakes on the poster.


Date Created: Nov 23, 2005 12:49 pm (CST)