Hardcore Hardball

by Daniel FitzPatrick, Philip Flip Kromer and Jonathan Lopez-Hoffman

Anchor Video
Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents

Jonathan M. Lopez-Hoffman

Grand Resources List






Grant Resources List


1.  Back Issues of Muscle and Fitness, approximately, 15-20 magazines

2.  Computer Lab with enough computers to accommodate 30 students

            Use these Websites to Help students understand project basis:


  1. Squids for Dissection, to study Squid Axon.  I would actually like to test the action potential of the axon and what not using an oscilloscope, but I’m not sure if we’ll be able to get one, so I’ll put that on the list too.
  2. Oscilloscope
  3. Dissection Trays
  4. APsim Demo Program Software
  5. Dissection Kits
  6. Rubber Gloves
  7. Goggles
  8. Class Set of Computer, Approximately 2
  9. High School Biology Software Set
  10. Overhead projector with attachment for computer
  11. Tickets to go to a professional Baseball game for the class with the possibility of getting a tour of the stadium, meeting the team, talking to members of the team, then watching the game.
  12. Fad Diet Software, or access to books, so that the students can read about the different diets then report back.
  13. If possible, get an eating disorder guest speaker to come in, and talk to the students.
  14. Also, if possible, get a guest speaker to come in to talk about steroids.