Hardcore Hardball

by Daniel FitzPatrick, Philip Flip Kromer and Jonathan Lopez-Hoffman

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Concept Map
Project Calendar
Lesson Plans
Letter to Parents
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
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Assessment: Concept Maps

Discussing players: computing averages and graphical representation.

Assessment: Misconception – Preconception Check

Intro to online baseball statistics resources. Lab day: Comparing and contrasting various graphical representations in cooperative groups.

Assessment: Self Assessment of Ways of Learning

Experimental and theoretical probabilities. Player assessment and draft strategy report due.

Player draft held.

Assessment: Productive Study-Time Log

Students use research and linear function models to determine characteristic times (time of flight from pitcher to catcher or from catcher to second; time of flight of batted ball; reaction times; etc.) Students use a linear function model to develop a ‘stolen base test’ – for a fixed pitcher-catcher-second time, given the lead, jump and footspeed of a runner, when should a manager send the runner? Students turn in stolen base strategy.

In class: how does stealing a base affect the run probability and expectation?

Baseball trajectories: intro to quadratic functions and how to use motion detector Students use Motion Detectors to investigate Distance vs Time of falling objects.


Assessment: Documented Problem Solutions

Analyzing Motion of Baseballs with quadratic functions – students analyze frames from video capture of balls in flight.

Project Prospectus

Building a Ballpark: Field trip to local baseball field Pythagorean Theorem and Baseball Slope of seating area vs. visibility, crowd capacity, and accessibility of ballpark. Surface area and volume of baseball field Lab day: building a ballpark in terms of areas and volumes

Assessment: Project Prospectus and Productive Study-Time Logs

Effects on perimeter and area when dimensions of ballparks are changed. Lab Day: use java program to experiment with varying wall heights for home runs.

Assessment: Documented Problem Solutions

Work Day: Students given data on players and must make roster using stats and probablilites.

Assessment: Project Prospectus and Productive Study-Time Logs

Work Day: Students plan out a baseball park including dimensions, area, volume and projected home runs with quadratic functions

Assessment: Project Prospectus

Presentations on Final team roster and ballpark design

Assessment: Final Project Assessment