Project: Saving Nemo

by Aditi Chaphekar and Crystal Hlaing


Anchor Video

Concept Map

Project Calendar

Lesson Plans

Letter to Parents





Project Calendar:   Project Saving Nemo







Week 1

Pre-Assessment:   Misconception/Preconception

Show Anchor Video

Introduce Ecosystems:   What is an ecosystem?   What makes up an ecosystem?

Introduce 6-week project.


Continue ecosystems:

Introduce interdependence of species through game

Symbiosis:   Commensalism, Parasitism, and Mutualism


Play web game on internet

Introduce Coral Reefs:   Why is it an ecosystem?

What makes up a coral reef?


Introduce Oceanography Ð discuss where reefs are and different types

Continue Coral Reefs: What makes up a coral reef

Week 2

Introduce plankton Ð what is it?   What are the different types of plankton?   Why do coral reefs need plankton?


Lab: Counting plankton from coral reef and make histogram

Pre-Assessment:   Memory Matrix


Continue Plankton:   Food Chain Ð why do coral reefs need plankton?


Play Food chain web game

Pre-Assessment:   Categorizing Grid

Introduce species of fish


Web Activity

Introduce species of fish.   Explain why the fish are important.


Introduce species of fish


Lab: Make dichotomous key

Week 3

Introduce species of fish

Lab:   Finish Dichotomous keys



Categorizing Fish

Explain why fish are important Ð food chain


Play game to emphasize importance of food chain

Conservation Ecology:   Uses of coral reefs

Conservation Ecology:   Why coral reefs are depleting? (give students basic facts about depletion of reefs)

Conservation Ecology:   What can we do about the problem?

Week 4

Come up with a way of preserving coral reefs Ð class comes up with a list of ways why reefs are depleting



Students start to do research on reasons why coral reefs are depleting

Students continue to do research on depletion of coral reefs

Students continue to research on depletion of coral reefs

Students start to write 3 page paper on depletion of coral reefs and finish for homework


(Weekend trip to Dallas World Aquarium)

Week 5

Conservation of reefs Ð define conservation

Discuss why conservation is important

Students come up with a way to save Nemo and write analytic memo

Students continue to try to save Nemo Ð students rewrite analytic memo

Students turn in Analytic Memo


Debate on Conservation

Week 6

Present projects

Present projects

Present projects

Present projects

Present projects