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Nuclear Energy: What is it good for?

Sean O'Leary, Ryan Searle, Annie Fitzgerald

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Final Assessment
Final Product Rubric
Letter to Parents
Lehman Block Fall 08 Home

Letter to Parents
Dear Parent,

Please carefully read the information in this packet that describes your child’s research project in World History. I believe this project represents a wonderful and valuable learning opportunity for your child. I believe it is very important that you understand all aspects of the project so that your child will meet with the highest level of success. This project will require self-discipline and hard work. Please check on your child’s progress from time to time and feel free to contact me if you have any questions (school phone: 555-5555, E-mail:so1043@txstate.edu).

The research project will require some, but not a substantial amount of out of class time. The students will be given at least one week of class time to prepare their projects. Project preparation will be scheduled into school time periods, including visits to the school library. However, additional research by your children, outside of class, is strongly encouraged. Students will be required to purchase a bound notebook for use as journals throughout the project. No other additional expenses will be needed.

In addition, this project culminates in a class debate in which all students will present the results of their research. You are more than welcome to attend.

Please sign below so that I know that you have seen this letter. Thank you for your time and interest.


Sean O’Leary, Annie Fitzgerald, Ryan Searle

(please detach and return by your child)

I have read and understand the requirements of my child's Nuclear Power Project

____________________________        ______________________________
Parent's Signature                                        Child's Name (Please Print)