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Personal Choices

Clancy Dunn and Sabrina Vasquez

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Lehman Block Fall 08 Home

Driving Question: How can the choices we make affect and the environment around us?


Targeted Grade Level and Class: High School Freshman


Project Description: This project was built to help students learn to make personal choices in life. From the unit they will also take what consequences can happen when the wrong choices are made. Choices that can affect them, the people around them and the environment they live in. students will learn how drugs, alcohol, and unsafe sexual practices can have an impact on them and what kind of impact it can have on the community as well. During the environmental section of the unit students will learn that bad choices such as littering can have an effect on the environment.


Background Information: The teacher will want to be familiar with statistics on drug, alcohol and sex related topics as well as issues with the environment.