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Personal Choices

Clancy Dunn and Sabrina Vasquez

Project Home
Anchor Video
Concept Map
Lesson Plans
Final Assessment
Final Product Rubric
Letter to Parents
Lehman Block Fall 08 Home

Project Calendar







Week One

Introduce topic of  waste. Show video and see background knowledge.

How do the choices you make about waste effect the environment and you?

Start KWL Chart (KW)

Lesson: Waste and what it means for environment and health in the future.

Library Research Day: Students need to see how much waste is produced buy schools, families, individuals, ect. And what it does to our environment.

Turn in paper with facts about how much waste is produced.

Lesson 2: Uses of renewable resources to reduce waste.

Field Work:

Charting of school waste. Students go in groups around the school and chart the amount of waste that the school has.

Class discussion/Brain Storming: What renewable resources can we use around the school to reduce waste? Write a report on some of the ways we can implement renewable resources.

CAT: 13 One-sentence Summary

Finish KWL (L)

Week Two

  Test Over


Intro to Lesson 3: Recycling

What can be recycled and what can’t?


 Lesson 3: Recycling

Report on renewable resources due.

Field Work: List all the place that recycling is taking place. Is everything that can be recycled getting in the recycling bins? Do we need more?

Library Day:

Research how much waste is saved be recycling include this in your paper to the school board members.

Student work together in groups with a map of the school and sketch were the recycling bins are and were some should be. Write a rough draft to the school board to get more bins.

Lesson 4: Food Waste

How much food is thrown away? What can we do? Compost

Library Day:

Research on compost.

Group: Start design of Compost  pile for school.



Design a plan to create an on campus compost pile with group. Turn in at the end of class.


Week Three

Test over Lesson 3 & 4

Lesson 5:

Laws relating to Drugs and Alcohol and your choices and consequences.

Driving under the influence, what is the worst consequence?


Lesson 5 con’t:

How does you personal choice to do or not do drugs and alcohol effect your future?

List Pros and Cons of each.

How does this effect your family and friends

Lesson 6:

Treatment Plans for drugs and alcohol.

Library: Investigate treatment plans. Find out how much is cost for the government and families to send people their. What does it mean for our insurance rates?

Turn in Investigation findings.

Lesson 7:

Diseases and health problems that result in the choice to do drugs and alcohol.

What are some of the permanent effects?





Investigate diseases and make a portfolio of before and after pictures for what abuse of drugs and alcohol look like.

How much does it cost the government and insurances to treat these diseases?

What does it do to families?

CAT 43: Teacher-Designed Feedback Forms


Week Four

Test over lessons 5,6 &7

Turn in portfolio.


Lesson 8:

Sex, Drugs and Alcohol

How does one influence the other?

What are some of the consequences?


Lesson 8 con’t:

Date Rape

What does the law consider date rape?

What are the consequences for both parties?

Research and Write a list of do’s and don’t that will help teens stay out this situation.


Lesson 9:


What are your choices and how does it affect you future?

What are the consequences of unprotected sex?



Lesson 9 con’t:

Brainstorm with your group on the cause and effect of having unprotected sex. Write list of the causes and effects to post on your website.

Come up with some statistics to prove your point.

Week Five

Turn in List with statistics.

Test over Lessons 8&9

Lesson 10:


Diseases you can contract if you choose to have unprotected sex.




Research on STD’s

List the STD, symptoms, treatments, and if you can recover fully.

How much do these treatments cost families and insurance companies?

What happens if they are left untreated?

Provide this information on your website.

Turn in STD list and questions.

Lesson 11:

Prevention of pregnancy and STD’s.

What can you do prevent Pregnancy and STD’s?

- abstinence


-birth control


Lesson 11 :

Group work:

Compile a list of ways of prevention. List them on your website and give links to places where other can get more information about prevention.



Turn in list of prevention and links. How will be presented on your website.


Test over Lessons 10&11









Week Six

Library and Group time to fine tune project.

Group 1 & 2 presentation

Activity- Peer Review

Students must complete a series of questions about the presentation- Thoughtful insight- Will also count has part of their grade.

Group 3 & 4 presentation

Activity- Peer Review

Group 5 & 6 presentation

Activity- Peer Review



Sabrina, Clancy, Clint