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Clancy Dunn and Sabrina Vasquez

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Lesson Plan 6

AUTHORS’ NAMES: Sabrina Vasquez

TITLE OF THE LESSON: Steroids and the Body

TECHNOLOGY LESSON (circle one):         Yes      No

DATE OF LESSON: 12-6-2008


NAME OF COURSE: Health Education


CONCEPT STATEMENT: To understand how steroids can harm the body physically and mentally.

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: We will explore the physical and mental consequences of taking steroids.

RESOURCES: http://www.acde.org/educate/Lessons.htm


SUPLEMENTARY MATERIALS, HANDOUTS:  handouts that are provided on the website




Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Using the information on steroids from corresponding Web page discuss what steroids are and how they are used.

What are steroids?

Students may not know what a steroid is and what kind of effect they can have the body.







Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Using the websites that are provided the students will do a mini web quest to find about steroids what they are and how they effect the body.

Find what different effects of taking steroids can have.

Student may not know that they are dangerous.







Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Discuss some of the side effects of steroid use (examples: heart and liver damage, withered testicles, and sterility in males; masculine characteristics in females). Steroids also can cause extremely aggressive behavior, drastic mood swings, and depression. They can cause injuries in two ways: (1) Because athletes who use these drugs are bigger and more aggressive than their bodies normally would allow, they may injure other athletes with whom they come into contact. (2) Steroids make muscles grow, but not the tendons and ligaments that connect them; unnaturally heavy and big muscles put extra stress on tendons and ligaments, causing injury.

Who is more affect by steroid use men or women? What effects can they have on the body?

Steroids can have mental effects not just physical.







Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Discuss some of the side effects of steroid use (examples: heart and liver damage, withered testicles, and sterility in males; masculine characteristics in females). Steroids also can cause extremely aggressive behavior, drastic mood swings, and depression. They can cause injuries in two ways: (1) Because athletes who use these drugs are bigger and more aggressive than their bodies normally would allow, they may injure other athletes with whom they come into contact. (2) Steroids make muscles grow, but not the tendons and ligaments that connect them; unnaturally heavy and big muscles put extra stress on tendons and ligaments, causing injury.









Time: ________

What the Teacher Will Do

Probing Questions

Student Responses

Potential Misconceptions

Divide the class into groups and assign each group to research one of the following topics: the physical effects of steroid use; the psychological effects of steroid use; the health risks of steroid use; and fairness in competition because of steroid use. Ask each group to prepare a brief presentation on its topic. Discuss the groups' findings with the class. The presentation will show what they got from the lesson.

What did you find from our web quest.